
Created by Captain Michael Turlogh Kane on Aug 16, 2016 @ 4:23pm


The SEHLAT is the most well-known of Vulcan's indiginous animals, native to the planet's scrub mountains, the vast majority of sehlat living today are still on Vulcan. They can grow up to three metres long and weigh as much as four hundred kilograms, and their colouration runs the gamut from gray to gold. When rearing on their hind legs, a sehlat can reach seven feet in height. Their eyes possess a nicitating membrane to protect them from dust, and their hearing has adapted to Vulcan's thin air by becoming incredibly keen.

Wild sehlat are omnivores. They graze on cacti or sniff out gespar roots, but also dig small mammals out of their burrows and prey on them. They live in packs but tend to hunt individually.

Sehlat have a long history of interacting with Vulcans. For millennia, Vulcans domesticated and bred sehlat for use as guard animals or coursing hunters, but today sehlat are commonly kept as pets. They bond well with their families, sharing a rudimentary empathic link, and are especially good with children. Due to their bulk, it is not permitted for Starfleet personnel to keep pet sehlat aboard ship.

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