Capellan Power Cat

Created by Captain Michael Turlogh Kane on Aug 16, 2016 @ 4:17pm


The CAPELLAN POWER CAT is a large, rust-coloured feline carnivore that is native to the northern deserts of the planet Capella IV (a mineral-rich world near the Klingon Empire, home to the Capellans, a sentient humanoid species).

A power cat stands around one metre tall and has a row of dorsal spines, but otherwise is similar to the Terran lion. It is a fierce creature, especially vicious around the late summer mating season, and should never be approached in the wild. Power cats are ferociously protective of their young, but only attack larger prey when provoked. They are considered to be untameable, although some have managed to raise relatively docile power cats in captivity.

The power cat has (like the Terran electric eel) the ability to store electromagnetic energy through electroplaque organs located at various points in its body. These electroplaque cells are flat and disk-like, stacked atop each other by the thousands. They work by pumping positive sodium and potassium ions out of the cell - when triggered, the power cat can give off an electric shock of 2,000 volts, easily enough to stun an adult Human.

Power cats still roam the northern deserts of Capella IV today. Their position at the top of their world's food-chain, coupled with the fact that the native Capellans have not yet penetrated into their habitat, means that, for now, the future of the Capellan power cat is stable.

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