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Journée Douloureuse

Posted on Mar 29, 2017 @ 12:44pm by Lieutenant Cantor Von
Edited on on Mar 29, 2017 @ 12:44pm

Mission: In Place of God


"Journée Douloureuse"
(cont'd from "There is an End to Everything" written by the incredible Sarah!)

- Translation from French: "Painful Day"


SD: [2.17]0329.1032
SCENE: Upper Gangway, Port Nacelle Control Room

"Okay, you really need to stop following me."

Cantor grinned as Lynette Ryan pulled herself up from the Jeffries tube and flashed a forced smile. She moved to a console on the lower deck and began cycling through the maintenance menus. They worked some more in silence until Ryan heard Von's voice above her.

"So....bad day?"

Ryan shook her head at the understatement as she backed out of the menu system for a third time. "Your telepathy is spot on," she replied, with grim agreement.

Von's voice returned. "I don't really need telepathy to determine that, Lynette." She stood up from the stool and backed out to the center of the room so she could see the Betazoid officer on the balcony above.

"Is it that obvious?"

"Malin-Argo? Again, no telepathy needed for that." Which wasn't exactly true. Von *had* used a little telepathy when he couldn't ignore the cloud of anger and resentment that seem to blossom from the young Ensign. It had been very hard to keep out.

Ryan exhaled. "I'm waiting for a page from the ExO for disciplinary action. Anytime now..."

Von feigned surprise. "Don't tell me you decked him."

"No," the young engineer quickly answer. "I didn't deck him. I just...."

"...made it clear you don't agree with his decisions? In a very public way?"

Lynette nodded. "Something like that."

Von turned back to his screen. "Not that I condone such actions, but he is an asshat."

Ryan burst out with a quick laugh despite her mood, causing the Betazoid to smile. "What? Am I wrong?"

The Ensign returned to her console, still smiling. "No, sir. No you are not."

After a more relaxed pause, Von continued. "You know he's looking for a reaction."

Ryan's laugh was a little more darker before she replied. "Well, he certainly got the response he was looking for."

"Listen, aside from the fact that of Malin-Argo's questionable leadership skills, you're making it easy for him to dismiss you - or have senior officers dismiss you." He paused again. "I'm not the Counselor; but from one officer to another, don't validate Malin-Argo's predispositions. Sharpen your act."

Another period of silence and it was Ryan who broke it now. "I know. It's just....hard."

"I'm sure it is. But if you need support, well - it's why we have a Counselor - right?" Then, feigning afterthought. "Oh, yeah, me as well."

"Yes. Thank you, Lieutenant."

Von's voice returned. "Don't thank me, Lynette. Us engineers need to stick together."


Scene: Cantor Von's Quarters
Time Index: One Hour Later

Compared to the berth Von had occupied on the Romulan scout, his quarters aboard the PHOENIX was stadium-like. Stepping out of the washroom, he dusted himself off from the sonic shower, feeling more clean than you could ever really get with water. Not that he didn't like water showers, it's just that once you went sonic you could really never forget how clean you felt - particularly with a well tuned shower. Romulan sonic showers seemed to take off a layer of skin with each use.

The Betazoid stepped through his bedroom, grabbing off-duty clothing from his bed and passing the cubby-hole book case lined with starship schematics and technical manuals. To the side of his bed was a painting from the Betazoid master Kendev Arlin of the Scepter of Rixx in all its glory. The multi-colored gem stones were accentuated by a sun beam in the painting.

Cantor's official title was "Cantor Von, son of the Second House, holder of the Sacred Scepter of Rixx, and heir to the Grand Seal of Betazed." Unlike many of the Rixxian artifacts, the Scepter had not been destroyed during the Dominion invasion. A quick thinking cousin had removed it from the estate in the nick of time and the Scepter was later returned to his father. It now rested under heavy security in the Museum of Antiquities and History in the city of Rixx. The Grand Seal, unlike other inherited artifacts, was simply the official seal used to authenticate official Betazoid documents. It was the members of the Second House that were supposed to be the ultimate arbiters of whether it was to be used. In reality, a governmental proxy used "assumed ascent" by him in day to day administration. The Second House's roll in modern times were more ceremonial and historical.

In the main living area, however, Von kept a large colorized replica of the seal on the wall. On the shelves near the door, various aperitifs were displayed, including several rare bottles of various Romulan ales. One such bottle, displayed with a long neck with silvery script, held a much darker blue of Romulan ale - a rare Romulan ale known as Sevetus Ve. Much stronger than the normal Romulan ale, this rare drink had been a gift from the Romulan Sub-Commander upon his departure. The bottom shelf held some souvenirs from his time on Earth, including a prized logo on a large red plate that spelled "Coca-Cola". Research had determined it was some sort of toxic drink developed to be drank during sporting events.

On the couch was a pillow from his grandmother, it's worn cover still showing the blue and yellow flowers that he remembered so well from his childhood. Von sat a his desk and began reviewing his to-do list for the shift ahead.


NRPG: Figured I'd continue with Lynette and include some of the angst she had experienced. Also added room description per Shawn and Jerome.


Marko J. Sertic
Lt. Cantor Von
Chief Operations Officer


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