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Burning Questions And Lingering Thoughts

Posted on Nov 26, 2016 @ 3:50am by Ensign Lynette Ryan
Edited on on Nov 26, 2016 @ 3:50am

Mission: Aftermath



(Continued from “Something Like This”)



Location: Starfleet Security

Stardate: 2.16.1126.1810

Scene: Corridor -> Holding Cell

Time: Before Alix’s "And this is the thanks I get?"


“Where are you taking me?” Lynette asked softly with a weary tone as she was escorted by two security officers, one of them with a light grip on her right arm. Exhaustion had taken a heavy hold of her and at times she had thought her legs would just give away from underneath her but she remained upright and strong at the present time. The two security officers guided her through the brightly lit but dull gray corridors of the complex that housed the main operations of Starfleet Security. The young senior cadet felt a sense of calmness with the Starfleet decor as she did when she was at the academy and it was only now that she realised that the underwater facility she had been working at presented a different feel. It had a faint almost unnoticeable aura of Darkness and despair.

“We are ordered to take you to a holding cell in the meantime before your inquiry.” Lieutenant Kelsey Rees replied trying to keep a neutral, dissociative tone but she could not help the underlying aspects of sympathy that were buried within it. The young african-american woman felt sorry for the cadet, although she was trained to be emotionally distant to criminal subjects, she couldn’t help but feel for her. Her blank expression and carefree eyes indicated to her that she had been through so much and lost so much as well.

A deep meow that lasted a second or two sounded from the cat carrier. Kelsey gave a slight smile after hearing it directing her eyes down towards the carrier that the Cadet held tightly,

“What is your cat’s name?” Kelsey asked hoping to brighten the cadets spirit even slightly.

“Mackie, his real name is Maxwell but I think he prefers Mackie. My mum got him for me when I was accepted into the academy. He has been my best friend since.” Lynette explained taking a peek inside to see a pair of eyes belonging to her tabby staring back at her longing to be free.

“I love cats, but my boyfriend doesn’t like them he prefers dogs.” Kelsey breathed a sigh of frustration as she continued to escort the cadet through a set of doors. The room was lined with large number of holding cells that each contained the bare necessities. A bunk and basic bathroom facilities and Lynette’s heart sank further as this was where she would be ending up.

“Lieutenant Rees reporting with prisoner Cadet Ryan for questioning.” Kelsey said in a formal tone as she stepped before a row of consoles whereby a pale skinned Vulcan male stood checking on status displays. From observation he looked very dedicated to his duties and he was well built even for a standard Vulcan at the look of his physical condition.

“What is that, Cadet?” The Vulcan, Volok, questioned in a stern tone looking directly at the carrier firmly grasped in the cadet’s hands.

“That is my cat...sir” Lynette responded in a defensive manner as to the tone that the Vulcan Lieutenant had addressed her in.

“You cannot take the animal in with you. I will arrange for the animal to be placed into boarding until resolution of these proceedings.” Volok stated. Lynette’s sour disposition quickly changed as her temper rose.

“I am not parting with him and at the very least he is not going into a boarding kennel.” Lynette snapped at the Vulcan in the similar manner of a mother whose child was going to be taken away from her.

“I would advise you watch your tone, Cadet.”

“I can take him, sir. I have a thing for cats and my home will be a better environment than a kennel.” Kelsey stepped in before the situation escalated into something that could put Cadet Ryan in a worse position than she was in at the moment. The sympathy she felt for her took control, feeling so strongly about her pet, her best friend as she had described.

“Very well then. I will leave the animal in your responsibility Lieutenant.” There was almost a sense of bitter disgusted defeat in the Vulcan’s tone as he stepped away to the bank of consoles behind him. For the first time in a long while, Lynette smiled to Kelsey’s offer.

“You didn’t have to do that, but thank you.” Lynette’s expression changed quickly again as she felt a warmth in her heart and began to tear up at the woman’s kindness and generosity when she needed it the most.

“I can see how close you are to he is so god damned cute.” Kelsey bent down and looked through the wire bars of the carrier smiling as she glanced at the tabby inside. Mackie responded with a meow to the new face that appeared before him.

“But what about your boyfriend?”

“Let me deal with him. I just wanted to be able to help and it was the least I could do.” Kelsey stated laying a comforting hand upon her shoulder.

“What does he prefer to eat?”

“His favorites are supplements 15 & 34 from the feline database. Just don’t give him anything with Salmon in it otherwise you will have some serious cleaning up to do.” Lynette’s smile continued and she giggled a little inside as she remembered the first few times that she had given Mackie a supplement that had Salmon in it both the noise and the stain on the carpet had been equally unpleasant.

“Don’t worry I will take good care of him.” Kelsey smiled back giving the cadet reassurance.

“Lieutenant, your time for idle conversation is over. You have a duty to perform.” The Vulcan’s stern tone sounded as he looked upon them.

“Yes, sir.”

“I’m sorry we have to do this.” Kelsey said as she lead the young woman to an empty holding cell. As Lynette stepped over the threshold she held the carrier upto her face and whispered.

*I’m going to miss you. You be a good boy for her, okay?” Mackie meowed again in response and Lynette gently handed the carrier over to Lieutenant Rees. Within a moment there was a quick blue flash as the force-field initialized and Lynette was now imprisoned behind the energy barrier.

“I understand. In any case I deserve this.” Lynette said softly. She had accepted the fate that awaited her as what hope did she have left as what she had cared about before had been shattered and destroyed.


Scene: Holding Cell -> Briefing Room Three

Time: Following Alix’s Post "And this is the thanks I get?"


“Cadet. They are ready to see you now. This way.” Lynette watched as the transparent blue curtain of energy vanished and she was glad to be free of the cell. She had had enough of listening to Kassandra’s voice. Although she was company, her attempts to lift her spirits failed. A stray thought had crossed her mind wishing that she could give her another wallop across the nose just to shut her up.

Lynette stepped from the holding cell and followed the Vulcan in parallel. She had wished it was the Lieutenant from before that was escorting her towards her fate as she showed a great deal of kindness to her. But it wasn’t. She was probably back home and hoped she was taking good care of Mackie. Something about her assured her that she had nothing to worry about.

The prisoner and her jailor walked along and through various corridors before coming upon a set of doors which opened with their presence. Beyond the doors was a large room that looked like a briefing room of some sort but also could have doubled as judiciary room. Lynette had a fear that the latter seemed to be the more appropriate fit at this time. The Vulcan ushered her in where she stood before a long rectangular table where 3 people were sat on the other side. She quickly glanced across them. On the left was a short woman with long black hair and of asian descent. On the opposite side was an Andorian female with a stern expression from which Lynette felt a slight sense of dread as their eyes met. In the center between them, standing, was an older man with brown hair and a full well groomed beard. She noticed from the pips on his collar that he held the rank of Commander and was likely the one in charge of the inquiry.

“Thank you Lieutenant.” The man said to the Vulcan and he left the room quietly.

“Cadet. Please be seated.” Lynette stood frozen for second a as she glanced once again at the 3 members of the panel and that sense of dread continued to grow within her. Regaining her composure she then gently took her seat before them.

“For the record, can you please state your full name and rank please?” It was the Andorian womans turn to speak this time.

“Lynette Amelia Ryan. Cadet Senior Grade.” She spoke softly but clearly and hoped with a fleeting chance that all the questions they asked would be as easy, but she knew that would not be the case. She was going to be in for a rough ride as the word ‘inquiry’ after having been arrested did not inspire much confidence.

“Thank You.” The Commander said as he tapped at a few buttons on his small display before returning his focus towards her.

“Ms. Ryan, do you understand why you are here before us?” The Andorian asked with a stern tone that matched with her composure.

“Not entirely, no.”

“You are here at this inquiry for us to investigate your involvement with the Neo-Essentialist movement and your presence at the Point Bonita facility, which was the command center for Admiral Edgerton’s operations.” The Commander explained in the absence of her knowledge.

“This will determine whether or not you will be brought up on criminal charges and sentencing.” The Andorian finished.

“Let us begin.” The Commander said tapping more keys on his panel.

“Cadet, can you tell us how you were recruited to the Neo-Essentialists?”

“I wasn’t recruited.” Lynette’s answer caused one or two blank looks and eyebrow raises.

“Then you sought them out and joined their movement?” For the first time she heard the Asian woman speak asking this question.

“No. I never sought anyone out.”

“Then how did you end up working at a facility which was a main base of operations for their movement, if you claim not to be recruited and that you did not willingly join them?” The Andorian woman’s tone seemed to get fiercer, unsatisfied at her responses to their questions.

“I don’t really know much about the Neo-Essentialists. It wasn’t something you really heard much of at the academy. I was there as part of a special assignment to set-up a new network of satellites and I thought it was because of my grades in my engineering classes why I was chosen for it.” Lynette explained.

“We have your class reports from the academy here, Cadet. Top marks and distinction in your engineering classes for your aptitude and knowledge. With these you would be looking at a promising career in the service except many of your instructors have made several negative remarks about you in regards to your attitude and lack of respect to authority.” The Andorian stated, reading from a PADD seated in front of her.

“What do you have to say about this, Cadet?”

“I have nothing to really say. I try to apply myself and learn but some of the instructors seem to have a superiority complex and refuse to listen when I try to present ideas and new ways of thinking about problems.” The young woman said in her defence.

“You do realise cadet that there have been complaints by at least four of your instructors regarding your performance. No matter how talented you are if you cannot learn simple respect of authority then there is little for you in Starfleet.” The Andorian continued, the fierce tone still predominant.

“Pardon me but is this really relevant to our investigation?” The Commander interrupted turning to his colleague. “This inquiry has little to do about her grades. May we try to return focus to the heart of the matter.”

“Very well.” The Andorian woman relented with disatisfaction as she placed the PADD back down on the table. To the keen observer it was like a subtle act of defiance.

“Please continue Cadet on how you came to be at the facility” The Commander asked, regaining control from his colleague.

“About two and a half months ago, I received a message from one of my instructors telling me that I had been hand-picked for a special classified project. I was told to pack up my dorm room of my belongings and report to the transporter bay. The next day I was beamed over and had been working there since...until the other day.”

“Tell us the name of the instructor that this message came from?”

“Rennerman. Terrence Rennerman. I was actually a little surprised to see a message from him considering he was such an arroga….” Lynette stopped as her eyes met with the cold stern eyes of the inquiry board. She so much wanted to say *arrogant prick* as that what Lt. Commander Rennerman was. She hated him so much as he never let her speak her thoughts or be mindful to new, outside of the box, ideas. He was too busy focusing on the textbooks and class curriculum to have time for her.

“What I meant to say is that we never got along and we ended up most times arguing. On one occasion he even had petitioned for me to be expelled from the academy. He was quite irate when that failed.” Lynette smiled a little inside when she explained what her former instructor had tried to do and failed miserably at.

“I assumed by the message he just wanted me out of his class altogether and it was easiest way for him to do it.”

“Make a note to open an investigation into Commander Rennerman as a possible Neo-Essentialist immediately after we are finished here.” The Commander directed to his colleague on his right who took down the note on the PADD in front of her.

“Now, Cadet explain more about this special project.”

“We were working on a network of satellites that when launched were to provide a defence network in case of a planetary assault. I worked closely with our team to get it launched.”

“Did you know anything about the satellites having Thaleron generators onboard?” The Andorian woman rose from her seat and casually began stepping around the table as she put forth her question.

“We weren’t part of the design team. Just the launch and calibrations.”

“So you had no knowledge that those satellites had the potential to wipe out entire cities of life as well as starships!?” Lynette cringed slightly as question pained her as it was sharp and direct. It was like she had taken a severe lash from a whip.

“I find that very hard to believe Cadet considering the time you spent working there.”

“I didn’t find out about the Thaleron generators onboard until the other day. We only worked with the system calibrations and preparing them for launch remotely. The schematics we were given to work with obviously weren’t true and accurate.”

“Plus we weren’t working on the project all the time. We were given maintenance duties as well around the facility. Calibrations on the EPS grid, environmental maintenance. Every day they would assign us new duties and never keep us on the same one for a period of time. I never realised it until now that they didn’t want us to finding out the true purpose of the satellites.”

“That would make sense, Cadet.” Lynette heard a slight sense of satisfaction in the Commander’s tone as he spoke.

“I still find that hard to believe and I think you have a great deal that you are hiding from us.” The Andorian continued her fierce tone as she stood only inches to her side now and that was when the barrage of questions started. One after the other in quick succession with hardly a breath in between. The Andorian’s antennae twitched constantly at this point obviously a reflection of her current emotional state.

“I want you to tell us everything you knew about the facility?

“What was there complement?”

“What was your relationship with Admiral Edgerton?”

“Are there other Essentialist facilities hidden away on Earth?”

“Any agents you know about? Their assignments? Locations?”

With every question the blue-skinned woman leaned closer and closer to her and Lynette shut her eyes tight and her grip on the arms of the chair became stronger. It was at that moment the cadet felt a sense of euphoria as if she was disconnecting from reality.

“Why did you let Sam die?” The Andorian womans accusing voice continued as her form appeared from blackness from behind her eyes.

“Why did you let Edgerton kill him?” With one step, her blue skinned verbal torturer moved closer.

“Are you so weak and pitiful that you couldn’t even stop the one you loved from being killed.” Two steps, now an evil malevolent grin brandished across her face.

“You never deserved him.” Three steps, a Phaser suddenly materialised into her hand.

“It should have been you that he killed, not him….Such a waste.” The fourth and final step, the Andorian woman now had the Phaser aimed directly at her and she began to laugh. The laugh though did not belong to her voice. It was the same laugh of Edgerton’s when he had murdered Sam. Then with a slight movement of the Andorian’s thumb everything went white.

“NNNNNOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! STOP!!!!!!!” Lynette’s scream echoed throughout the chamber, her hands clasping her at her ears trying to block out the verbal assault that occurred in both of her worlds.

“TELL US!” The Andorian shouted as Lynette’s scream began to die down.

“My god it looks like she’s about to have a breakdown.” The quieter Asian woman gasped as she watched as the Cadet began to shake uncontrollably from the assault of questions.

“ENOUGH!!!! THIS ENDS HERE!” The Commander shouted in turn, his fists banging on the table as he shot up from his seat. At that moment, the three members of the inquiry board watched as the Cadet collapsed onto the floor. Both the Commander and the Asian woman rushed over to where she laid while the Andorian woman had taken a step back.

“Can I get a Medical team and a counsellor to briefing room 3 please.” The Commander touched his comm badge calling for assistance.

“She’s just passed out but I think she will be okay.” The Asian woman stated after doing a quick check of her vitals.

“Can’t you see that she has suffered and you are only adding to it.” The Commander’s head snapped towards his Andorian colleague and he leapt up standing mere feet before her.

“What about the suffering that those devils caused!? What about Paris and the countless men and women that have died because of them... because of her.” The Andorian snapped at her superior in defence.

“We have not confirmed that she had any direct involvement in what happened in Paris or any other Neo-Essentialist activities and until then she will be treated as an innocent witness to these events until we find proof or evidence that she is guilty. Am I clear, Lieutenant Commander.” The Andorian nodded with acknowledgement, a little surprised by the reaction of her superior as she had never seen this side of him before.

“We will try again tomorrow when she has rested and might I suggest you do the same and have a think at what pain you have caused this young woman and return when you are alot calmer. Dismissed.” He watched as the Andorian quietly stormed out of the room almost running head first into the medical team that came rushing into the room.

The Commander watched as the medical team came to the Cadet’s aid, medical kit open and tricorder out. He gave a large sigh and felt a curtain of shame drape over him as today’s inquiry and what it had lead to this and the mystery as to his Andorian colleagues fierce outburst that he would have to follow up on.


Scene: Commanders Office

Time: 15 minutes later


The Starfleet Security Commander had waited in the briefing room until they had finished attending to the unconscious Cadet Ryan and watched as she was carried out on an anti-grav stretcher still feeling that sense of shame that had to lead to that event happening. Though it did indicate to him the strong possibility that she was an innocent caught up in the neo-essentialists game but he also couldn’t doubt the words of his Andorian colleague, R’Shee, words either. There was doubt that working at the Point Bonita facility, Edgerton’s stronghold, that she would not have had any knowledge of what was happening all around her after the amount of time there.

The Commander sat at his desk reading through various reports on his computer terminal, another one to his side displayed the personnel record of R’Shee. He was determined to find out why she had laid into the Cadet so fiercely. There had to be a reason for it as it wasn’t usually in character for R’Shee to act as she did. It then hit him as he scanned over the record of R’Shee’s sister, Raasa.

ASSIGNMENT: Adjutant to the Diplomatic Corps

LOCATION: Paris, Earth

It was clear now o why R’Shee acted the way she did. Her sister had been one of the poor souls that had been extinguished by Edgerton’s doomsday weapon and obviously she had kept it bottled up. He would make a point to have a talk to R’Shee tomorrow and see if he could open up to him or even convince her to seeing a counsellor about her loss.

“Computer, Calix Juice.” He directed to the replicator nearby, picking up the tall glass seconds after it had materalised. He took a sip of the Bolian beveridge as he now stood before the open viewport that showed the lush and fruitious grounds of Starfleet Headquarters. He always enjoyed walking along the paths and under the trees. He wasn’t one for holodecks and preferred the real thing. Beyond laid the iconic Golden Gate Bridge and San Francisco Bay but his eyes drifted upwards to the blue sky. Every know and then he had a desire to be back beyond those clouds and on a starship again but he had gotten accustomed to having his feet back on the firm ground and being close to family again.

The Commander took another large sip of the amber liquid and returned to his desk. He still had some research to do for another session tomorrow. He had to clear that nagging doubt and unknown from his mind which the only way he could do was to be able to interview witnesses. Unfortunately from the reports he had received, the majority of the facility’s personnel had died along with it when it fell. So the only witnesses he had left were the ones from the Starfleet team that had infiltrated the facility and returned with the Cadet.

“Computer, give me a listing of the senior personnel of the starship Phoenix.” He sat back in his chair taking another sip of the alien beveridge, one of the very few Bolian drinks that was not toxic to humans.

“Please verify, there are 3 Federation starships bearing the name Phoenix”

“USS Phoenix, Registry number……” He scrambled through different PADDs lining his desk until he found the right one that had the data he needed. “NX-5199” He continued and then waited for the computers response.

“That information is restricted to Level 3 Security or above.” The Commander wasn’t surprised at that response as the Phoenix had been embroiled in controversy over its existence when at the time the supposedly labelled Rebels had taken control of it and it had appeared over Earth with the rest of its traitors. This was before Edgerton had been unmasked as the ringleader for the Neo-Essentialist movement and the truth came out. Other than the starship’s existence he knew very little else about it as that information had been held in secret by the higher ups under Edgerton’s regime.

After this was over, when this was over, He would love to see the specifications on that beast as he always had a passion in studying starship schematics ever since he was a teenager.

“Security Verification Code Level 2: Galieus 46530 Alpha 5” He stated his security access and again waited for the computer to respond.

“Access granted.”

“Well….I’ll be.” The Commander looked through the list and he saw at least one name that appeared that made him smile. He tapped at the keys at his terminal, downloading the information onto an isolinear chip.

“Lieutenant Rees, can you come into my office for a moment.” It only took moments for the bright and cheerful woman to step through the doors of his office.

“Reporting as ordered, sir.” The Lieutenant JG stood rigid before his desk.

“I’ve told you before Kelsey, no need to be formal. Just relax.”

“On here is a list of names. I want you to locate each one of them and report to me in the morning. Some of them may no longer be on Earth so we will have to try and reach them via subspace communique if we can.” He handed the chip to the isolinear chip to the Lieutenant JG.

“I’ll do it right away, sir.” She replied eagerly and this what he always liked about her. Her dedication and enthusiasm and he was very please to have her as part of his staff.

“Thank you Kelsey.”

“Now if you’ll excuse me I have an old friend to see.” The Commander rose from his seat and followed the young Lieutenant out of his office. He quickly tapped a button on the panel by the door as he left and the artificial lighting switched off, leaving only the warm glow from the Earth’s sun to illuminate the room.


Location: Private Office -> Reception area (Office of the Starfleet Secretary)

Timeline: Sometime later


Thoughts of Selyara still inhabited Kane’s thoughts as he stepped from the office back to the reception area of the Office of the Starfleet Secretary. The shadowmaster had been invaluable to bringing Edgerton and the Neo-Essentialist movement down and she was the reason they had the capacity to fight back. Although she was very much on Starfleet’s most wanted list for her crimes and Kane couldn’t dispute at some of those particular crimes, her dedication to saving Earth and the United Federation of Planets deserved leniency to whatever sentencing they had on their minds.

He only hoped that Erik was able to convince the new Head of Starfleet Intelligence of it.

Kane neatened and adjusted his uniform, his breath letting out a slight sigh. His thoughts turned to that of his imminent meeting with Secretary Martine for when she returned and he was a little nervous. As to the reason why he had been called by the Secretary, through Lieutenant Von, made him also uneasy.

“Well….Well...Well…Isn’t it the illustrious Captain Michael Kane of the starship Phoenix. You have certainly caused quite a stir here Captain.” Kane was startled by the voice that called his name and he spun around to the source of the voice to see a familiar face.

“Commander David Gilvari reporting sir.” A salute followed and he stood with a devious smile on his face stepping forward and reaching out his hand. Kane matched the Discovery’s old Sec/Tac officer gesture followed by a welcoming pat on the shoulder.

“Well how about that. I haven’t seen you since you left the Discovery and transferred back to Earth.”

“I had some family matters regarding my sister… she lost her fiancee in a shuttle accident and I was all she had left.” David explained the briefly the reason he had the Discovery all of a sudden, remembering sitting down in front of Captain Brennan in regards to a transfer back to Earth to be with her. He had been sad to go but there was no hesitation to what he had to do.

“How is she now?”

“Better, but I don’t think anything is ever going to mend that hole in her heart. You don’t tend to recover easily from that kind of tragedy.” David, like the billions of other souls on Earth, had felt that tragedy. Remembering the loss of his father, an Admiral, in battle against Neo-Collective forces and his mother to a virus.

“I’d heard that you went back home to become a poet or something.” Kane said jokingly, the nervous feeling that he had felt before in meeting with the secretary had disappeared as he stood with one of his former crew, but the feeling was sure to return.

“I would love to know where you heard that from. I don’t have a poetic bone in my body.” David gave a slight chuckle in response. He wasn’t sure if his former XO was pulling his leg or if somebody from the Discovery had told him that.

“So what are you doing nowadays.”

“Starfleet Security as part of the Investigations division. Undergoing a special assignm...” David’s voice trailed off as distinct woman followed closely by junior obviously her assistant stood between them.

“Excuse the interruption Commander. Captain. Sorry to keep you waiting. Please come in.” Marie-Claire Martine said with a smile and an apologetic, but flustered tone before she proceeded to her office.

“I won’t keep you, but it would be great to catch up and I’ll be interested to hear what’s been going on out there. How about we meet up tomorrow night on the Presidium say at 1800?”

“I’ll let you know.” The nervous feeling, upon Martine’s arrival, had returned and he left the Discovery’s former Sec/Tac officer behind as he walked into the Secretary’s office. The double doors closing behind him, sealing him in with the secretary and the unknown that awaited him.


Scene: Holding Cells

Time: Following Morning


Early morning came around and Kassandra Thytos had barely moved from her bunk all night. She had been used to roughing it as part of her survival training and the hard cot did not phase her. It was the thoughts, the anger that also came with it, that disrupted her sleep. How her past association with the slimy toad, Richard Edgerton, had lead her life to this. She had been duped by the manipulator to carry out actions that eventually would be a betrayal for what she stood for. Her arrest and incarceration in this holding cell indicated to her that it didn’t matter to them that she had been directly involved in the bastard’s downfall either. That was always the thing, concentrate on the negative actions but seldom praise the positive contributions.

Apart from the ambient hum of the active force-field and the computer terminals in the holding facility, it was quiet enough to hear the pair of footsteps that approached her cell.

“I can hear ya skulkin about . What do ya want?” Kass said with a hint of disgust her arm draped across her eyes as she continued to lay still motionless. She was happy to remain still but the footsteps stopped and curiosity got the better of her and she removed her arm and turned her head.

“Oh it’s you.” It was no surprise to her that she was going to be disappointed as she looked up at the Vulcan who had been one of the guards that had put her through the walk of shame through the corridors of Starfleet Security. Also the one in her head she had been analysing tactically and calculating the best strategies on taking the smug Vulcan down.

“Captain Thytos, the inquiry board will see you.” Volok looked down at Kass with a neutral expression trying to anticipate the response he would receive from the somewhat rebellious marine.

“Oh Yeah. What’s ta say that I want to see em.” The Marine had no desire to hear what the inquiry board had to say as having her incarcerated indicated enough their intentions.

“Please stand up and and stand back from the force field.” Kass sighed and followed the Vulcan’s directions with reluctance as she stood against the back wall of the cell and watched as the force-field came down.

“Ya know that’s not going to do ya any good. I can still bring ya down in a heartbeat.” Kass’s thought about taking on the Vulcan gave her a bit of amusement, but she dismissed it as it would only place her in more trouble than she really needed at the moment.

“Your threats are pointless. It would be easier if you just came with me, maam.” Volok responded as Kass began to step out of the cell but she froze and stared at him with daggers in her eyes at the mention of a particular word.

“Don’t ya go callin me maam ya hear or you will be in fer a world a hurt.” The marine snapped before continuing. The Vulcan lead Kass from the holding cells and into the corridor maintaining an alertness as to the unpredictable nature of the Marine Captain.


Scene: Commander’s Office

Time: Half an hour before


David was in early this morning and already working at his terminal. He wanted to get preparations ready for the next inquiry session that was planned with the Marine Captain, Kassandra Thytos, and her past involvement with Edgerton and the Neo-Essentialists. She certainly had had a colorful past from when he studied her service record and guessed it was going be another interesting session.

He had finished work writing the summons he intended to send to the Phoenix Senior Officers to assist with his inquiries and get a first hand view of the events at what happened at the Point Bonita facility and their dealing with the Neo-Essentialists.

David looked up as the door chime sounded.

“Come.” The doors parted revealing Lieutenant Rees who slowly entered his office.e

“Ahhhh...Good Morning Kelsey. How are you this morning?” He said cheerfully but there was something different about how she looked and he studied her closely. She was devoid of her usual bouncy step and her bright expression was gone replaced by one of fatigue.

“I had kinda a rough night sir to tell the truth.” Kelsey said being vague.

“How come?”

“Well you know, Cadet Ryan.”

“Yes I do, Lieutenant.” The tone that the Lieutenant JG spoke in seemed almost ominous and in a way maybe he shouldn’t have asked, but it was too late now.

“Well yesterday when we escorted her in she had her cat with her and she was extremely hesitant to part with it. Volok wanted to place it into boarding but I saw how heartbroken she was so...I offered to take care of it for her.” Kelsey explained clearly the situation that she had placed herself in by offering help to the the young cadet but it was what she was about follow with in her explanation that she wasn’t looking forward to as she emitted a heavy sigh.

“Well my boyfriend doesn’t like cats and when I brought it home, especially without telling him. We spent half of the night having an argument before he stormed out to stay at his brothers place.” It was like an invisible stormcloud appeared over the young Lieutenant’s head that left her with a sad dreary expression on her face.

“Over a cat?” David asked a little perplexed.

“Yes, sir.”

“Okay, I shouldn’t have asked. Have you got the information I asked for?”

“Yes sir. I did it before the end of my shift. It’s all there.” Kelsey produced the isolinear chip that the Commander had given her the previous day with her additional work on it and handed it to him.

“Thank you Kelsey. Much appreciated. Dismissed.” He watched as she turned and began to walk out, still devoid of that bounce in her step. She wasn’t right.

“Oh and Kelsey, please see if you can patch things up with your boyfriend quickly. Its not good for the mind to have these kind of things lingering.” David suggested trying to be supportive with his words, but after speaking wasn’t quite sure if it came across that way.

“Just let me know if there is anything you need or I can do to help.”

“I will sir. Thank you sir.” David was presented with a slight smile before she exited his office. A smile was better than what she had originally walked in with. He glanced over at the time index on his display and noticed it was close to session time. He glanced over the message before him on the display.




With receival of this message you are hereby ordered to report to Starfleet Security to offer testimony and confirmation of events in regards to the case pertaining to Cadet Lynette Amelia Ryan and her possible involvement in Neo-Essentialist activities.

Your testimony is required due to your reported involvement in the infiltration of the Point Bonita facility whereby the aforementioned accused was working.

You are to report to the Starfleet Security Complex, Level 4 Reception area tomorrow at _____ hours whereby you will be called to attend.

Any queries to the above proceedings, please do not hesitate to contact me.

With sincere regards,

Commander David Gilvari

Starfleet Security (Investigation Branch)



SCENE: Briefing Room Three

TIME: A few minutes later


David was already seated along with his colleague from yesterday, Mizikawa, but the seat to his immediate left was still empty and he had not heard from R’Shee at all since their heated talk from yesterday but hoped she would arrive soon. Suddenly his ears were brought to attention from shouting that seemed to come from directly outside the room.

“YOU TOUCH ME AND I’LL RIP YER ARMS OFF.” It was first faint but then the doors to the briefing room opened and the occupants inside were blasted by the rest of the sentence. A woman, fiery with her temper, stepped in backwards keeping an eye on her companion who stepped in after her.

“What the hell is going on!?” David was standing at this point as he watched the woman and wanted an explanation.

“The prisoner showed signs of aggression and I was forced to try and restrain her.” Volok explained in return keeping his eyes firmly fixed on the troublesome Marine that had put up a struggle against him and surprisingly he had failed.

“You saw how you failed at that didn’t ya.” Kassandra gloated, her smile matching her expression.

“CAPTAIN THYTOS!” David shouted hoping to defuse the situation and bring it back to order with his anger.

“You will stand at attention and cease your hostility at once or do we carry through with immediate disciplinary action.” The Commander stared at the Marine Captain and Kass did not utter another word and took her seat before them. Kass wasn’t totally subdued by this but decided to see how this will play out first.

“I hope we are able to continue without the need for you to be restrained.” David quietened down and in turn he returned to his seat. Kass gave a nod that she acknowledged, still not uttering a sound.

“Very well. Let us commence.” The seat to the left of Gilvari was still empty but he decided that it was best to proceed without her at this time as there was much to go through today and he did not want it to be delayed if it didn’t need to be.


NRPG: And….. There we have it my monster of a post.

It was a challenge as I'm not good at writing dialogue heavy posts (Plus Jerome wouldn't let me blow anything up


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