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In Search of a Knight

Posted on Jun 08, 2014 @ 9:46am by Rawyvin Seth & Thoris P'Trell

Mission: The Tangled Webs We Weave
Timeline: A few days prior to “The Khitomer Blues”

“In Search of a Knight”
Con’d from: “Checkup”

Time Index: A few days prior to “The Khitomer Blues”
Location: EARTH
Scene: Starfleet Headquarters, Ballroom

“The President of the United Federation of Planets, acting upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Starfleet, has placed special trust and confidence in the integrity and abilities of Admiral Richard Edgerton. He is hereby advanced to Fleet Admiral, effective this day, Stardate 2.140527.1624, in the year 2429, by order of the Secretary of the Starfleet!” The announcement met general applause from the assembled audience.

Xana Bonviva was careful to keep her face pleasant as she stepped forward and placed the new rank on Edgerton’s collar; after all, the cameras were rolling. Inside, she was seething. Edgerton’s expression was carefully neutral, but amusement played in his eyes. He had forced her into this.

“I am watching you Edgerton,” Xana said sweetly, as she stepped back. “I will be waiting for you to slip.”

Edgerton merely rendered a cool salute. “Madam Secretary, I am insulted by your insinuations. I assure you, I will serve Starfleet to the best of my abilities, and keep her interests closest to my heart.” He knew she had nothing to pin on him.

Of course, she had nothing. There had been no verbal threat… and there was nothing that Xana could point to and say ‘you did this.’ But she knew. Rawyvin’s words during his last visit had echoed in her mind, until she finally realized their meaning. ** *I* would never harm your children,** he had intoned. **Others do not share my morality.**

Edgerton was playing a dangerous game. Xana did not know the extent to which Edgerton would go - was he in league with Rawyvin? Or was he simply self-serving enough to play dirty? There was too much that Xana did not know. And now this.

Thoris had tried to warn her, but Edgerton had moved too quickly. Without notice, the Vice President had sent an open memorandum to the President, sending Xana a courtesy copy. He had recommended that Edgerton be promoted in recognition of the great services he had performed… yada yada yada. But that was not the worst part of his recommendation...

Xana moved to the podium with a heavy heart, attempting to keep her step light, nevertheless. “I would like to make an additional announcement. By the order of the President of the Federation via my recommendation, Fleet Admiral Edgerton has been appointed as the Starfleet Chief of Staff; the highest position within the organization.” Strong applause rang out for that. The Bolian/Human woman ground her teeth, but continued. “This position is effective immediately. Admiral Edgerton, please raise your right hand while I administer the oath of office to you.”

She somehow managed to make it through the entire oath without surrendering to the impulse to strangle him. Words like honor and integrity were stated, but Xana had strong doubts that they were meant. When she had finished, the assembled crowd stood on their feet in thunderous applause while Edgerton basked in recognition and humbly expressed his thanks and his dedication to executing his duty.

All the while, Xana’s smile stayed carefully painted on to her face, while her nails dug into her palm. When the ceremony was over she carefully excused herself, and began to make a beeline for the exit.

“Madam Secretary?” A voice caught her attention just as she neared the doors. A Tellarite Captain was nearby, looking concerned.

“Yes Captain?”

“Madam, are you aware that your hand is bleeding?” The question caught Xana by surprise. She looked down at her palm. There, cobalt blue groves where her nails had pierced her skin oozed sapphire rivers.

Scene: Secretary Thoris P’Trell’s outer office -> Inner office

John Hiram was used to dealing with Secretary P’Trell’s office. Sometimes it was to track down his wayward boss, other times it was deliver a message on her behalf, or there could be the times he had to track down someone to coordinate the Secretaries schedules.

This was the first time he had to warn them about something. Or rather someone.

“You’re not easily offended are you?” John asked nervously.

The Edoan woman sitting behind the desk didn’t even spare a glance up as she kept up with her work. “If I was I wouldn’t be here,” she pointed out.

John rubbed the back of his neck in a nervous gesture. “Yeah, I get that. But you don’t understand...the Ambassador...he’s kinda special.”

“Why is he coming?” Secretary P’Tell’s aide asked.

John sighed. “God help me, Secretary Bonviva sent for him.” Muttering under his breath he said, “I think she has plans for him.”

Before John Hiram could explain how special the door opened with a whoosh and an older man stumbled in. “Where am I?” the man asked.

Secretary P’Trell’s aide stood and walked around. “Ambassador Myall, you’re in the Interplanetary Relations department. You were summoned by Secretary Bonviva, who is inside with Secretary P’Trell.”

“You don’t say, magnificent creature,” Ambassador Myall said kissing the Edoan woman’s hand.

“Oh God,” John Hiram muttered again. Clearing his throat he said, “Ambassador Myall.”

Throwing his raincoat over to John Hiram, who did catch it Myall said, “I’m so sorry, chap, but if you could handle it I know I’m good for it.”

John bit his lip before saying, “Sir, I’m the Chief of Staff to Secretary Bonviva.”

Myall Tai gave him a look. “You mean you’re not the valet?”

“No,” John replied. “In fact we’ve met.”

“Really?” Tai asked.

“At least a dozen times,” John Hiram pointed out.

Myall grinned, “Ah well couldn’t make the slightest bit of difference.” Waving his hands to the coat that John was still holding, “Be good with that, would you? I got that as a gift from the President of GRAZERITE.”

Suddenly the doors to Secretary P’Tell’s office opened and Xana Bonviva came out first followed by Thoris P’Tell. “Is he here?” Xana asked eagerly.

“Madame Secretary!” Ambassador Myall boomed. Walking over he kissed Xana once on each cheek, which she returned. “Well done Madame! Two children and you still have the bosom of a --”

“Let’s go inside,” Xana smiled, tucking her arm into his. “So how was your trip?”

“Intoxicating,” Myall replied drawing out the word into near infinity.

Thoris P’Trell, the aforementioned Secretary of Interplanetary Relations, twitched his antennae in amusement. “So I see.”

Xana smiled at her friend. “Secretary Thoris P’Trell, Secretary of Interplanetary Relations may I present Ambassador Myall Tai of BAJOR.”

Ambassador Myall straightened up at that, untucked Xana’s arm, before bowing down in a theatrical fashion. “Mister Secretary, Ambassador Myall at your service.” After Thoris nodded Tai pulled a flask from his suit jacket he asked, “Does anyone have a drink?”

“We don’t drink before noon in this part of the universe,” John offered up from behind them.

“Really?!” Tai asked whirling around. “By the Prophets, we encourage it on BAJOR.”

“Tai,” Xana tried again to get Tai’s attention. “Let’s go inside.”

“Very well,” the Bajoran Ambassador sighed.

Xana, Thoris and Tai walked into Thoris’ office and each of them took a seat. “Tell me, how can I be of service to you?” Tai asked. “If it is mine to offer, then you shall have it.”

“We need your take on the situation,” Xana explained. Nodding to her fellow Secretary she said, “We’re at a bit of loggerheads and so I thought having an outside opinion might help.”

That wasn’t strictly true. Xana was trying to convince Thoris to take on Ambassador Myall into the Federation ranks; but Thoris, never having dealt with the BAJORAN wanted to meet him first.

“The universe is coming apart at the seams,” Xana explained.

“Thank the Prophets you sent for me!” Tai boomed as he took a seat.

“Indeed,” Thoris sighed as he collapsed into a chair.

TI: Twenty minutes later

“Well this is a boondoggle,” Myall sagged in his seat slightly, pouring a shot from his flask into the raktajino in front of him.

“You don’t say,” Thoris intoned dryly, glancing at Xana.

The Bajorian man, stirred his mug for a moment. “You know,” he began, “There are some marvelous flu remedies known in the certain remote parts of the badlands... Andorian tuber root, for instance, combined with Bajorian lilac extract and a strong shot of Vulcan brandy. Cardilia, also, mixed with, uh, harrid berries.”

Thoris’s antennae twitched. “And a strong shot of Vulcan brandy?”

“Naturally.” The Bajorian man exclaimed. “In fact, you can throw out the cardilia and harrid berries, and still be well in your way…”

Xana shook her head. “Myall…”

“My dear, there is nothing more you can do,” the Bajorian said without missing a beat, drinking his raktajino. “You are correct to think that there is little in your power that you can do to amend the current situation.” Thoris said nothing, and Xana sighed. But Myall was not finished. “Not to worry! That is why you have summoned me, is it not?”

“Do you have a suggestion, Myall?” Thoris asked, raising his eyebrow.

“Well, my good fellow, having been educated at Cambridge and the Daystrom Institute, I am, as you may guess, exceedingly stupid. I would say that your only option is to try and gain a new advantage.” He leaned forward. “You are familiar with three-dimensional chess, yes? Up to now, you have been playing against an opponent move-for-move, and despite your best efforts to think ahead, you have been skillfully outmaneuvered. Xana my dear, I am afraid you must sacrifice your queen this round, but perhaps if you can move a knight on a different level, your opponent will remain too fixated on the battle at hand to notice a move to his rear.” Xana and Thoris stared at the man for a long moment. Myall set his cup down after taking another sip. “May I inquire as to the whereabouts of your loo?”

“Just down the hall,” Xana nodded to the entrance.

“Ah well then, if you’ll pardon me…” Myall gave a solemn bow to the both, and hastily exited the room.

Thoris glanced at Xana after the room had emptied. “Is he always like this?”

“Isn’t he marvelous?” Xana smiled.

Thoris’ antennae arched, joining the smile on his face. “Xana, my dear, it is a testament of my love for you the things that I put up with for your sake.” He paused. “But yes… he is indeed. I will accept your recommendation and invite him on as a member of my staff…” his antennae stood straight now. “But what are you going to do about your… situation?”

Xana contemplated this for a moment. “I don’t see that I have any choice in the matter, unfortunately,” she sighed. “Myrall was right. I have been out maneuvered. My only chance now is to find myself a knight…”

The Andorian Secretary watched her with concern. “But do we know anyone who could possibly gain leverage over Edgerton? That man is the devil himself.”

Xana thought for a long moment, before finally muttering. “Under normal times, I’d say we should fight evil with good… but in times like these... well, maybe it should be fought by another kind of evil.”

Thoris glanced at Xana, curious. “Why do I get the feeling that you are about to do something dramatic and stupid?”

She gave him a chagrined look. “Because I am about to do something dramatic and stupid.”

“Xana…” Thoris began, then stopped with a sigh. “There is no point in trying to force this out of you, is there?”

“I’m afraid not, old friend,” she replied, biting her lip.

TI: Later that day
Scene: Xana’s house

Piano music was emanating from her house as she approached. Internally, ice formed in her heart, but she calmed herself. The children were not home yet, and she knew who would be there - and as long as the piano was playing, she knew exactly where he was. **He certainly comes at convenient times,** she thought dryly to herself.

She opened the door, allowed her companion to come in first, and entered the house, and approached the living room and the source of the music. There, Rawyvin sat, his back to them, as his body rose and fell in a dance to the music he was playing. To her surprise, it was a song she recognized - from ancient EARTH, Chopin’s nocturne in C sharp minor. She calmly sat herself as Rawyvin played the haunting melody, awaiting its conclusion. After a minute, he sank into the last chord, as if he had expended his life force through the keys, and all that remained was the husk of his corpse. The effect was mesmerizing and chilling at the same time, holding the scene in a tableau.

Rawyvin finally spoke, breaking the silence. “I am simply in love with your Steinway,” his voice came in a hoarse whisper. “I have never had such an ancient grand in such good condition as this one.” He peered back at her from his curtain of hair. “Though I should expect such things from someone as lovely as you…”

“You know that on some planets, this still constitutes as breaking and entering,” she retorted, ignoring the compliment.

He chuckled, and turned on the bench to face her. He paused momentarily as he considered the man next to her. “And that would be the least of the charges mounted up against me,” he reminded her. He glanced at the man next to her again for a moment, studying him, before turning back to Xana. “I saw the news today, and naturally I felt the need to come congratulate you on such a happy day.”

Xana threw an eyebrow up. “Is that so?”

“Should not good news be shared with all?” Rawyvin glanced at the man beside her again. "I apologize, I do not know your guest," he said smoothly.

Xana smiled; it was nice to be able to (for once) surprise Rawyvin. "Rawyvin this is--"

"No introductions are necessary," the Bajoran said smoothly. "I know who he is and I'm sure my reputation precedes me."

Actually it didn't; while friends, Myall Tai never sought the spotlight like Xana; which made it handy when dealing with terrorists.

There was a unnaturally long silence that was pulled taut for the span for several minutes before Xana stood up. "I need to go let Angus out," she said.

Then Xana stood up and whistled while she walked. The large Rottweiler/German Shepherd fell into step beside her as they went out to the garden; closing the door behind her.

Tai sat on the couch, studying the Human man. Suddenly he got up and walked over to the tray table in the corner and grabbed two shot glasses. Walking back to the couch, he put the crystal glasses on the low glass table before him. Pulling out a flask from his dark suit, he held it up and said, "Shot of Alderrean whiskey?"

"Why not?" Rawyvin replied. He didn't want the whiskey, but clearly that was the right answer.

Myall nodded and poured out two shots. Holding up his he said, "For the Prophets."

Rawyvin walked over, took his shot glass, held up his and said, "Salute."

The lanky Bajoran man sat back after his shot. "It's interesting, isn't it? Different ways of cheering each other on while drinking. You gave me a salutation to my health and I gave you one for your afterlife; both are right."

"I don't believe in the Prophets," Seth pointed out as he sat in a club chair opposite the couch.

"Yes, well...not everyone can be perfect," Tai replied lazily. "Now if our hostess were here she'd either follow your lead and offer us something for our health, or if she were feeling particularly Bolian she'd say 'From now to Nine' as a nod from now to her afterlife. Amazing how many times drinking leads to a belief in the afterlife. I wonder if that's because--"

"I don't believe in the afterlife," Seth replied.

Tai simply smiled as he poured another shot. "People believe because they want hope. Hope that when they make mistakes it will be forgiven. Now, civil societies, such as ours, don't allow for that. What they do allow for is redemption." He paused dramatically before leaning in, "Do you believe in that?"

Seth pursed his lips. "I believe I am beyond that,” he replied coldly.

"No one is beyond that," Tai replied as he held up his shot glass. Taking another shot quickly he said, "I do believe that for your long laundry list of crimes, you are not beyond redemption."

"I have seen what Redemption involves. And that does not interest me," Rawyvin stated simply.

Tai nodded. "No I can see that. A gentleman such as yourself, who is interested in the finer things would not do well in a penal colony." He studied the Human man before saying, "But one could argue that you've been living in exile, away from the protection of society. That in of itself is a 'time served'."

Rawyvin said nothing. He wasn't sure how to answer; it was clear, however, the Bajoran knew what he was doing, so it was better to see where he would go next.

"However, all civil societies believe in ah...what shall we call it? Perhaps we shall call it an article of good faith. Or benevolent gesture."

"I have been accused of many things, but never benevolence," Seth pointed out.

Tai grinned at that, "Well let's change it up shall we? Men such as ourselves can never be boring. Besides this will fall into your area of expertise. I need you to get something."

"You want me to steal in order to prove my reformation?" Seth replied, and in spite of himself he almost smiled.

"Someone, if I'm being honest. And she *was* ours first, so the stealing is a technicality," the Bajoran replied.

"And why would I do this?" Rawyvin asked.

Tai paused. “How would you like those charges to disappear?” There was another long silence. "It's a simple deal really - get her back, and the rest will take care of itself," Tai added, when Rawyvin did not respond.

Rawyvin stared at Myall. “And I am to count on your… benevolence for this.”

“My good man, come now. We have shared drink with one another; what type of knave would I be if I were to go back on my word?” Tai managed a hurt look.

“You would be the type of government knave that I would expect to be dealing with,” Rawyvin replied evenly.

The Bajorian nodded. “I see. This is all a matter of trust then, is it? I suppose that I must give you a show of good faith first then, shall I?”

Rawyvin sat back, putting his boots up. “Really, my enigmatic friend, what could you possibly offer me that I would accept?”

Tai poured another shot for the both of them. “Ah, now, there is the question.” He handed Rawyvin his glass. “I believe that to do this proper would require me to give you leverage in the future, would it not?”

“Leverage is a tricky thing to give,” Rawyvin replied, uncommitted.

“Indeed.” He raised his glass. “To Fleet Admiral Edgerton, Starfleet Chief of Staff; long and well may he serve.”

“Indeed,” Rawyvin replied dryly. Neither man chased the toast with their glass.

“You know… I have heard so many stories about this Admiral,” Tai observed. “Your hair would curl if you knew the things I knew. The public outcries that it would cause…”

Seth said nothing in response for a long time. Finally, he spoke. “The Sword of Damocles hangs over many heads in power.”

“And what devastation it would cause if that sword were to come crashing down,” Myall said smoothly.

The two men stared in silence for a long time. Suddenly, Rawyvin was laughing. Tai raised an eyebrow in surprise at his reaction, but said nothing. Rawyvin’s boisterous laugh continued for a long minute, until at last, it subsided with him wiping his eyes.

“My nameless friend, you are a man after my own heart.”

Disquieted, Myall shifted uncomfortably. “I say, I certainly would hope not.”

Rawyvin ignored the slight and raised his glass. “You have my attention, mon ami. Do tell me what it is you would have me collect, and perhaps later, you may regale me with your tales…”

Sarah Albertini-Bond
Xana Bonviva
Secretary to Starfleet


Tai Myrall
BAJORIAN Ambassador


Christopher B. Del Gesso
Thoris P'Trell
Secretary, Interplanetary Relations

Rawyvin Seth


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