Crystalline Entity, The

Created by Captain Michael Turlogh Kane on Aug 16, 2016 @ 4:52pm


The CRYSTALLINE ENTITY was a powerful spaceborne creature that was destroyed by the USS Enterprise in 2368. The Entity acted as a huge electromagnetic collector, converting organic matter into EM energy. It was responsible for the deaths of thousands of Federation colonists on Omicron Theta a century ago.

The Entity seemed to possess some form of intelligence, able to recognise and respond to changing graviton pulses, but whether or not it was sentient is unknown.

In the past few decades, as more information becomes available on the link between the Thal and the Tholians, a disturbing theory has emerged that the Crystalline Entity was a Thal device, left behind in the Milky Way to monitor primordial Minshara-class worlds that were supporting primitive life. The Entity's conversion of organic matter to energy mirrors the Thal method of feeding, and both Crystalline Entity and Thal starships emit graviton pulses of similar frequencies, the latter as a build-up to 'blue folding' through space.

If this theory is correct, could it be possible that there are other semi-autonomous crystalline entities in existence, patrolling elsewhere in the galaxy like probes, observing the rise of sentient organic life, sending the information back to their terrible masters?

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