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Once We Were Exiles

Posted on Apr 21, 2016 @ 8:08pm by Captain Michael Turlogh Kane

Mission: Fortress: Earth


(Continued from "Trust")


"Men [and women] in exile feed on their dreams [of home]."
- Aeschylus


Location: USS Century, leading the fleet to Earth
Stardate: [2.16]0421.2330
Scene: Bridge

Everything, and everyone, was ready.

Admiral Dexter Marxx listened to the countdown from his bridge officers, interspersed with the sound of his own calm breathing. The starfield ahead in the main viewer was blurred into the long shining lines of warp space, but in less than two minutes, one hundred and thirty starships holding ninety-nine thousand Starfleet personnel would simultaneously deactivate their own warp fields, reingage their impulse engines, and emerge into realspace poised to enter Earth orbit. Surprise would be total, but Dex was not so naive that he assumed that Edgerton and the Neo-Essentialists had done *nothing* in Starfleet's absence.

No, there would be something, but what? Subspace chatter analysis and active sensor sweeps taken by the fleet as it approached the Terran system indicated that radio traffic had risen markedly in the last twenty-four hours, indicating a higher volume of space vessels in-system than was normal. Was it an enemy fleet? Unlikely, as all their projected data on the Neo-Essentialist military strength indicated that not enough starships were in range to come to Edgerton's defence. But unlikely was not the same as impossible, and like it or not, Richard Edgerton had a habit of springing surprises when they were least expected. An enemy battlegroup might, at this moment, be readying themselves to face the incoming fleet, and thousands of people might be about to enter combat.

But Dex knew that everyone was ready. In the event of an orbital fleet engagement, the command group of starships - the Century, the Demeter, the Jenner, and the Lowe - would hang back while the destroyers went in to hammer out a front line. The Monarch and the Imperial - the fleet's two Sovereign-class battleships - would lead their battlegroups on two pincer movements to envelop the enemy, while the carrier USS Salamis would launch its fighter complement to support the ongoing attack. A victory was almost a foregone conclusion, but Dex couldn't help but think of the missing Phoenix. The deadliest warship in the quadrant would be a welcome addition to the fleet, able to spearhead a frontal assault and cover any planetary landings. With thirty-six billion people awaiting liberation from Edgerton's oppressive government, violence was not something that Dex wanted, but if the Neo-Essentialists wanted a battle, then by the All-Father, they would get more than they bargained for.

The fleet had moved into position for deceleration to impulse speed, and Dex cast his eye down the tactical report, feeling a flush of emotion as he saw the Zhukov already drawn up behind her command ship, the Monarch. He had not had a chance to speak to Siobhan since he had promised to see to her boy in the event of her death, but he fervently hoped the All-Father would keep her safe. They had unfinished business.

"One minute and counting," said Dex's Tellarite tactical officer, Ensign Gavok.

Most of the Century's crew had been hastily assembled for his benefit back when he had left Earth last year. Ronald Heydrich had ensured that most of his fleet commanders were committed Neo-Essentialists - it had taken the efforts of the crew of the Phoenix to prove to him that both Heydrich and Edgerton were traitors to the Federation. Now, all those Neo-Essentialist captains were languishing in the brigs of the USS Lowe, and their subordinates were leading loyal crews into the final battle.

"Thirty seconds, Admiral."

Time drew out like a knife from its sheath. They were making history. After this final confrontation, the future direction of the Federation would be set. Would it return to its tradition of peaceful coexistence, mutual defence, and cultural exchange? Or would this Human splinter group known as the Neo-Essentialists finally succeed in perverting its course into a totalitarian empire? This momentous question was about to be answered, one way or the other.

Be at my side, All-Father, as I lead these people into battle. Give me the strength to do what needs to be done for victory. Grant me the courage not to turn away even if it means my own death.

"Dropping out of warp," came the report. Dex drew a breath. The moment was upon them. On the main viewer, the starfield blurred -


The Federation Role Playing Game Presents
A Mind's Eye production of a Collective Film


Shawn Collins as Jake Crichton and Raxl Drayton
Alix Fowler as Kassandra Thytos and Selyara
Jamie LeBlanc as Aerdan Jos
Susan Ledbetter as Eve Dalziel and Siobhan Reardon
Justin Owens as Thomas Varn
Dale Rasmussen as James Barton
Jerome McKee as Michael Turlogh Kane

Also Starring
Marko Sertic as Dexter Marxx
Christopher Del Gesso as Russ BaShen



Location: Earth orbit
Scene: The fleet appears

One hundred bursts of white light herald the arrival of Starfleet, come home. Enmeshed in the strands of the Aegis web, the Earth looms nearby in the background, a verdant blue jewel against black velvet, tumbling over and back in its endless Newtonian spiral. Around it, like a cloud of flies, hang the hulls of hundreds of civilian starships, from big passenger liners down to small interplanetary pleasure craft, all caught by the sudden activation of the Aegis shield and now milling around like confused children.

A second sun blazes and a hundred more ships are suddenly there, decelerating down from warp speed faster than a heart beating, silvery hulls glinting in the light of the distant Sun. Two giant battleships are the most immediately visible vessels, but there are dozens more starships of various classes and shapes.

The suddenness of their arrival is shocking. The silver-hulled fleet is too close to the swarm of civilian ships, perhaps not expecting them to be there, and several have to alter course drastically to avoid a collision. At the forefront, a Starfleet destroyer veers away from a stationary freighter, their individual shield bubbles bouncing off one another as they briefly impact in a moment of drama.


Location: USS Century, as before
Scene: Bridge

The main viewscreen was full of civilian ships - so many! There were *hundreds* of them orbiting the planet, and beyond them, he could see some sort of energy net enveloping Terra. The proximity klaxons blared into life as Dex gripped the armrests of the centre seat in shock at what he was seeing. "All stop! All stop!" he bellowed.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a Sabre-class destroyer slam into a large Antares-class freighter and bounce off it like polarised magnets repelling each other. A flash of worry - had the Neo-Essentialists become so desperate that they were using civilian starships to defend the planet?

"Helm answering all stop!" called Ensign Chopra, the young Human conn officer. She had dark brown skin and a facial structure that put Marxx in mind of his lost daughter, Breanna. Chopra turned her head to face Marxx. "Admiral, the entire fleet has successfully emerged from warp!"

"Planetary communications frequencies are all still open," said Gavok at Tactical. His porcine brow was deeply furrowed as he struggled to make sense of the data stream scolling down his displays. "Sir, all civilian subspace signals are active. There are thousands of radio transmissions all fighting for bandwidth - it's chaos out there!"

Dex got to his feet as the hulls of the fleet's starships loomed over the Century from outside. Of course they are, he thought. Anyone tuning in to those frequencies right now is hearing nothing but the cries of terrified and confused people, and so the fear spreads to infect the listener too. Another master-stroke by Edgerton.

"Sovereign battlegroups preparing to detach from the fleet," reported Gavok. On the main viewer, the lumbering Monarch and Imperial started to turn on their heavy axes, their destroyers and escorts moving to follow them.

Dex moved to Lieutenant Cassidy on Ops. "Status of those civilian ships?"

Cassidy shook his head, equally engrossed in his own work. "Most of them are in preset orbital holding patterns, but several are now breaking those patterns and moving out of orbit on their own accord. Admiral, there are too many civilian ships for them to safely navigate all at once. It's like a particle accelerator. A collision somewhere is imminent."

Dex gestured to the golden web shimmering in the Terran sky. "And that? What is that?"

Cassidy shook his head again, this time more helplessly. "An energy shield of enormous power, Admiral. Data is still coming in."

So this is what has been prepared for us, Dex thought. The poison of fear polluting the world's orbit, and a planetary defence system to break through. Now we're the ones who have to deal with all these frightened people, just as Edgerton planned. He threw a thumb at Gavok. "Contact the Zhukov, priority transmission."

"Captain Reardon is responding, Admiral. On screen."

The image winked, and Siobhan's face filled the screen. Dex's heart swelled. {{What can I do for you, Admiral?}} she said.

"We can't impose a blockade on the planet with these civilian starships in the way," said Dex hurriedly. "If I detach the Zhukov from the Monarch's battlegroup, can you get them out of Terran orbit and put them somewhere out of the way?"

{{Organise an in-system parking lot?}} smiled Sio. {{I can handle it, Admiral. Give me my own subspace frequency and I'll round them up.}}

Dex smiled back at her. "Thank you, Captain Reardon. Century out."


Location: Starfleet Headquarters, San Francisco
Scene: Edgerton's office
Time Index: 1135 GMT

Leonard Cagney opened the door to his master's office without waiting for permission to enter. The news he held in his hand was too important. He half-expected to find Richard Edgerton standing outside on his balcony, exulting at the golden web of the Aegis shield under the San Franciscan night sky. Aside from all the confusion it was causing planet-wide, that was one of the worst effects of the shield's existence - it wasn't intrusively noticeable during the day, but at night the shimmering web lit up the sky with its golden strands, blocking out the stars, overshadowing the Moon and making sleep difficult.

But Richard Edgerton was not standing on his balcony exulting. He was quietly sitting at his magnificent walnut desk reading something on his desktop terminal screen. His spindly fingers were steepled in front of him thoughtfully, but when Leonard came through the door, he snapped into action, deactivating the desktop monitor and turning his full intimidating attention on his assistant. "Leonard. It must be important if you've barged into my office without knocking." A glimmer of realisation crossed Edgerton's lined face as he guessed Leonard's news. "Ah. Have our friends arrived in orbit, then?"

Leonard put the PADD down on Edgerton's walnut desk, wondering how his master could be so calm. Their lives were hanging by a thread. "Yes, sir. Sensors indicate ninety-nine starships just dropped out of warp. The Demeter and Century are among them."

Edgerton raised an eyebrow. "Not the Phoenix?"

Leonard shook his head quickly. "No, sir. Perhaps they've been delayed?"

Edgerton shrugged, but Leonard couldn't tell if it was bravado or nonchalance. "It matters little. We've got some time while our enemies try to figure out what to do with all those civilian starships in orbit. We'll use the time to retreat to the bunker and prepare our last stand. Order Mister Truman to bring the Aegis shield up to full operating capacity and remove all failsafes."

"Yes, Admiral."

"Who is in command of the enemy fleet?"

"We don't know, sir. It's likely to be Marxx."

Edgerton got to his feet. "They'll want to give us a chance to surrender. It won't be long before we hear some kind of ultimatum," he mused. "When it comes, don't answer immediately. Let them eat static long enough to become confused, then we'll reply with our own ultimatum, backed up with the power of the Aegis shield. Make sure our willingness to destroy the surface of the Earth goes out across all civilian frequencies. We will sow panic among the ranks of our enemies."

Leonard frowned in confusion. "But that will turn everyone against us! We'll lose what few allies we have amongst the general population!"

"Or bring them into line through fear," countered Edgerton. "Our backs are to the wall, Leonard. Nobody except a handful of people know the location of our bunker, yes? Thus, we are in control and can take risks. Obey my orders." He began to busy himself gathering up PADDs and personal effects from the desk.

"Yes, Admiral," said Leonard, turning to his work. For a moment, he wondered if would ever get home to see Stephen again, and a chill ran down his spine.


Location: USS Century, holding position near Earth orbit
Scene: Bridge
Time Index: An hour later

The fleet had spread out as the civilians ships removed themselves from Earth orbit, breaknig into groups as they sluggishly angled towards the Zhukov. Slowly they were coming, like herd animals being penned in, clearing the way for the Starfleet vessels to take up pre-determined positions around the planet. They were keeping their distance from the strands of the golden web, but it was all the fleet was talking about - all one hundred and thirty ships were training their sensors on the mesh of energy and correlating their data.

"Admiral," reported Gavok at Tactical, "message from the Demeter. President Sardak has called a council to discuss the fleet's next move."

Politicians, sighed Dex inwardly. Always looking over the shoulders of the military. There was something to be said for operational authority, free from oversight, with the freedom to do whatever you wanted without interference from a civilian authority. But, as he reminded himself grimly, that was the world the Neo-Essentialists wanted to live in, and it was a world incompatible with the Federation Charter. The military must never be allowed to rule over the people it volunteered to protect - that way lay absolutism and totalitarianism.

"Acknowledged," he replied.

An alert chime sounded from Cassidy's Ops panel. "Admiral, I am detecting a spike in triquantum wave readings off our stern."

Marxx frowned. "On screen."

The main viewer winked like an eyelid, suddenly showing the area of space behind the fleet. A ripple in the black shimmered, then a burst of black light tore open the nothingness, admitting the gunmetal grey saucer section of a ferocious-looking starship. Like a child of prophecy being born, the ship slithered from the midnight tunnel, revealing menacing violet nacelles. Marxx drew a breath in shock at its sudden appearance, but his heart surged when he recognised the distinctive dented outline of the saucer's bow.

"It's the Phoenix!" exclaimed Gavok at Tactical. "We are being hailed, Admiral!"

Marxx couldn't help but smile. Their big-hitting star player had just taken the field. "Thank the All-Father," he muttered in relief. "Inform the fleet of the Phoenix's arrival and put Captain Kane on the screen."


Location: USS Phoenix, nearby
Scene: Bridge

Michael Turlogh Kane was standing in the centre of the bridge as the transwarp conduit opened, the vortex splitting open. As the ship emerged from the conduit, the majesty of Earth and the chaos that surrounded her became evident. There must have been over a thousand starships flooding the sector of space around his homeworld, and beyond that he could see some sort of energy net crackling around the planet.

He turned to face the command crew. Everyone had gathered on the bridge except for Thomas Varn, who was languishing in his quarters. Aerdan was standing by the centre seat, exchanging worried glances with Eve Dalziel. James Barton was looming over Tactical, and behind him Jake Crichton had transferred Engineering control to the bridge. Russ and Byte were at their own stations, and Kassandra Thytos was standing near the entrance to the conference room.

Kane couldn't tell what they were feeling, but was determined to give them something to think about. It had been almost two years since the Phoenix had left Earth in a flurry of desperation. The Romulans had just obliterated Starfleet's Neutral Zone fleet, the Federation Council had declared martial law and suspended the Federation Charter, and everyone on the Phoenix was under threat of murder by the Neo-Essentialists. Now they had returned as part of a fleet of liberation, ready to smash the regime of those same Neo-Essentialists. It had been a momentous exile, but it would not be over until they set foot once again on the soil of a free Earth.

"All hands, this is the Captain," he said, knowing his words were reverberating down through the decks of the dreadnought he commanded. "Now hear this. It has been a long voyage, and we are finally within sight of a familiar shore, a goal we have striven towards these past years. Once we were exiles, now we are come home as liberators."

He paused a moment. Speeches were always easier to write than say aloud. "The eyes of history are upon us. The hopes and prayers of the oppressed peoples of Earth march with us. It is unto us that the task falls to bring about the destruction of the Neo-Essentialist regime, the elimination of fascist tyranny and the restoration of a free and united federation of planets."

His voice hardened. "Let no-one underestimate the magnitude of the task that lies before us. The Neo-Essentialists must be compelled to surrender, possibly through military action. But I have full confidence in each one of you who can hear this message - confidence in your courage, in your devotion to your duty, and if necessary, to your skill and relentlessness in battle. May fortune be with us all, and let us ensure that history remembers what we we do in coming days!"

He cut the connection, watching as the bridge shared a moment of resolve, shoring each other up through imperceptible nods, transferring inner strength to those who were not feeling so resolute.

"The Century is responding to our hail," reported Barton at Tactical.

"On screen," ordered Aerdan, coming to Kane's shoulder.

The crimson features of Dexter Marxx flashed into view, a smile broadening on his cragged face. {{Welcome to Earth, Captain Kane! I'm most pleased the Phoenix didn't miss out on the action!}}

"We're transferring our logs and reports from the Lavenza system to your databanks," said Kane, signalling to Barton and Byte to begin the file transfer. "Where do you want us?"

{{Join the command group for now,}} Marxx ordered. {{The fleet is maneuvering to blockade the planet, and we are analysing a planetary defence network. In the meantime, the President has called a council aboard the Demeter. I'll see you there shortly.}}

"Understood, Admiral," said Kane as the connection was severed. He turned to Aerdan. "I'm for the Demeter. Keep the ship on Yellow Alert. Be ready for anything."


Location: USS Demeter
Scene: Conference Room

The last time Kane had been aboard the Demeter, it had been several months ago, when she was orbiting Elandipole. Now the small ship was the flagship of the fleet of the United Federation of Planets, leading a great crusade to restore the Federation from those that had usurped it.

The Andorian Security Ensign assigned to escort him to the conference room politely deferred at the last moment, and Kane entered the conference room to see that it was already full. Through the viewport he could see the hulls of the Phoenix and the Century hanging over the Demeter, and behind them lay the golden energy field that held the Earth in its net. President Sardak, Admiral Marxx, Colonel Alexander Towers, and Secretary of Starfleet Marie-Claire Martine were seated around the polished oval table, but they all stood up as he entered. A decanter of water sat in the centre of the table with some glasses around it.

Kane nodded a greeting at them all. Marxx, Towers, and Martine were all smiling at him warmly, and Sardak inclined his inscrutable head. "Captain Kane. Welcome home," said Sardak, indicating for him to sit.

Kane took a seat. "Thank you, Mister President." He glanced around the table. "It's good to be back in Earth orbit."

"We're finally ready to take down Edgerton," said Towers. His green Marine coat was crisp like he was on a parade ground.

"You've arrived in time," said Martine in her distinctive accent. "We're most pleased to see you and your ship, Captain. How is your crew?"

"There was an incident in the Lavenza system," said Kane. "I lost one of my officers, but thanks to some illegal Neo-Essentialist genetics science, I got another one back. It's all in our reports."

"I'll disseminate them to you all as soon as possible," said Marxx. "Mister President, you've asked for an update, so here it is. The Monarch and the Imperial have taken their battlegroups and deployed them around the planet in a blockade. Nothing can leave the surface of Terra without this fleet detecting it. Not even a cloaked Warbird could escape this sensor net."

"Have we had any communication from the enemy?" asked Towers. "I have several thousand Marines ready to mount an amphibious invasion. We breach the planetary shield, whatever it is, and strike pre-determined command and control targets while the fleet provides cover."

"We have not had any message from the surface," said Marxx, "but the subspace channels are clogged with civilian chatter. However, we are broadcasting our unconditional surrender demand on all military frequencies."

"What data has been gathered regarding the shield?" asked Sardak.

Marxx looked around the table apologetically. "The fleet's combined analysis is likely to take several hours, if not days. We dare not make a move until we have as much information as we can gather, but I can give you a brief initial summary." He activated a PADD and began to read from it. "The golden web effect is, in fact, a network of highly-polarised tachyons, all interlinked and interconnected. Where they intersect is a satellite orbiting the planet. It is these satellites, numbering in the dozens, that are both transmitting and receiving the tachyons from their neighbours." He glanced around at them all. "Now for the really bad news. Our initial scans indicate that each satellite is carrying over two hundred megatons of trinitrotoluene-equivalent, as well as a generator powering independent shield and polaron beam emitters."

"They're individual weapons?" asked Towers. "As well as being interlinked through that tachyon network you mentioned?"

"So it appears," nodded Marxx.

"To what end are they carrying the TNT-equivalent?" asked Martine. "Why are they carrying so much unstable matter?"

"We don't know," said Marxx.

"If we destroy one satellite, will the feedback shockwave take out the others in the network? Is that how we bring the shield down?" asked Towers.

"We don't know that either," said Marxx. He turned to face Sardak. "We need to pause where we are and take stock of the situation, Mister President. Until we know exactly what this planetary shield system is capable of, we dare not risk offensive action."

Sardak nodded. His hair was graying now, Kane saw, and although his features were as inscrutable as ever, his hands were tight fists under the voluminous sleeves of his brown robe. "I see. Perhaps while we are gathering data on the planetary shield, we should attempt to make contact with Admiral Edgerton. We should demand his surrender."

"You could try, but I doubt he will comply," said Marxx. "This energy shield is proof enough of that."

"You are probably correct," mused Sardak. "Nevertheless, any communication might be the first step towards ending this conflict more quickly. You and Captain Kane should return to your starships, and we three remaining here will attempt to open communications with the Neo-Essentialists."

"Understood," said Marxx, getting to his feet. Kane followed his lead, and they both left the Demeter's conference room.


Scene: Turbolift en route to Demeter's transporter room

"It's good to have you back, Captain," said Marxx, once the turbolift door hissed shut and it had slid smoothly into life. "The politicians want to feel useful by atempting to contact Edgerton. Let them."

"Edgerton won't surrender," said Kane meaningfully. "He'll go to ground somewhere, and we'll end up needing to dig him out of a hole."

"This shield worries me," said Marxx absently. "As tempting as it is to open fire on the satellites once the civilians are clear, my instincts tell me to wait. This is Edgerton's trump card. He's been holding it in reserve until now."

"I agree. We need to know more." Kane thought for a moment. "My staff can help. The Phoenix is more than just a war machine. I have good people who have their own scores to settle with Edgerton."

"Very well," said Marxx as the turbolift slowed, then halted. "Keep me informed."


Location: USS Phoenix
Scene: Captain's Ready Room

After Kane had beamed back to the Phoenix, he called Eve Dalziel into his ready room. She appeared promptly, while he was still accessing her service record and using his command clearance to read through the classified section.

"Reporting as ordered, Captain," she said, standing to attention.

Kane looked up at her from his desk. Tale, pale, and imposing, Eve Dalziel had unusual and exotic figures. Born a Cardassian, she had been adopted by Humans in childhood and renounced her heritage, even going so far as to be surgically altered to look more Human.

There was more about her, but it was not for everyone's eyes. Not everyone knew about her other speciality. "Lieutenant Dalziel," said Kane in a formal tone, "as per Starfleet Intelligence regulations regarding the activation of field agents, I am hereby invoking Starfleet Order 104, section B. In the absence of your Intelligence handler, you are now under my command. Do you understand?"

Eve frowned. "With respect, that regulation applies to flag officers, Captain."

"True enough," said Kane. "I am under Admiral Marxx's command. If it makes you feel better, imagine my orders as coming from him."

Eve bristled. "Yes, sir."

"Eve," said Kane softly, calling her by her name for the first time. "This is deadly serious. You've seen the energy shield enveloping the Earth?"

"Yes. Everyone has."

"They call it the Aegis Defence Network. It was only launched recently. FedNews made a big deal about it, outlining how it was going to keep the Earth safe, but nobody knows anything about the damn thing."

"How can I help, sir? I haven't been involved with Intelligence for years."

Kane gestured out the viewport to where the Earth was rolling by. "If you're willing, I'd like you to use all your knowledge, all your contacts, everything you know that could help us. There must be people on the surface who know more about the Aegis network. If not, there may be plans somewhere, blueprints - hell, we're even be interested in rumours. Anything from your past that gives you the expertise to help us, I'm asking you to do now."

Eve nodded. "I'll try, Captain. I can use subspace freely?"

"Yes, but you'll have to think of a way to break through the civilian frequencies if you want to use them. They're pretty crowded right now." Kane stood up. "What do you think, Lieutenant? Can you help?"

"I hope so, sir," said Eve.


Scene: Conference Room, Deck 1, saucer section
Time Index: A few minutes later

Shortly after he had finished talking to Eve, Kane called a senior staff conference and outlined what they knew so far. He had the show to go with the tell, as the golden energy web could clearly be seen from the conference room's viewing port.

When he had finished, he looked around the table. "Comments."

{{Intensive spectrographic analysis,}} said Byte, {{each concentrating on a specific aspect of the shield network. We can then compile and correlate our information. It is the most efficient way, but will likely take several days to complete.}}

"I'll order Ensign Trimble to liaise with you," said Aerdan, his antennae curling up and down slowly as they always did when he was thinking hard. The dark blue bruise on his right antenna was almost fully healed. Then he paused, and spoke hesitatingly. "What about Thomas Varn? Can we utilise him in any way?"

"I do not recommend that," said Barton firmly. "In my opinion, he is still a security risk to this ship."

"We can't afford to turn away any kind of help, no matter what quarter it's from," said Kass, throwing a dangerous glance at the Security Chief.

"Isn't that why we have the fleet here?" said Jake. "We're aren't the only ones working on this, right?"

Kane thought about it a moment, then looked back at Barston. "If Mister Varn is willing and able to work under Security's supervision from the confines of his quarters, using an isolated and secure part of the Phoenix's computer network, do you foresee any problems?"

Barton's reply was grudging. "No, Captain, but I recommend that we monitor him very closely."

"You can arrange the security around Mister Varn as you see fit, Lieutenant," said Kane. "Report to me when you're satisfied. Lieutenant Dalziel, can you approach Mister Varn and see if he's willing to help?"

Eve nodded. "Aye, sir."

"In the meantime, let's adjust to our new surroundings," continued Kane. "This blockade - this *siege* - might escalate without warning. All of you, be ready. The ship will stay on Yellow Alert, and we'll limit the movements of non-combatants aboard to safeguard against a sudden breakout of hostilities. Make sure all your officers know the seriousness of the situation, and impress upon them the need to be alert and accurate at all times. Right now, we're gathering information. Later, we'll put it to use. Any questions?"

There were none.

"Let's get to work," said Kane. "Dismissed."

As one, the command crew got up and returned to their duties. The Siege of Earth had begun.


NRPG: The Phoenix has arrived at Earth and rejoined the fleet. A blockade is in place around the planet. The USS Zhukov is corraling the civilian starships to new holding patterns on the outskirts of the system. Meanwhile, thirty-six billion eyes watch the sky as news of Starfleet's arrival in orbit filters around Earth.

We have an enormous cast at play, so let's break it up by location.

Richard Edgerton and Leonard Cagney are moving from Starfleet Headquarters to the secret bunker in the bay, where Jim Truman is waiting for them. Raxl Drayton and Selyara are also in San Francisco, having witnessed the launch of the Aegis shield network.

Siobhan Reardon and the USS Zhukov is leading the civilian ships away from Earth while trying to keep order.

Marie-Claire Martine, Alexander Towers, and Sardak are all on the Demeter. Dexter Marxx is aboard the Century. Kane, Aerdan, Kass, Eve, Jake, Thomas, Barton and everyone else are aboard the Phoenix. Our (very) initial efforts will be dedicated to learning more about the Aegis shield, so only Eve and Thomas have initial assignments. As Kane said - first we gather information, then we use it.

Several other starships have been named over the course of our posting and are also in orbit. The full list of the named fleet is (11 out of 130):
- USS Century
- USS Phoenix
- USS Demeter
- USS Lowe
- USS Jenner
- USS Monarch
- USS Imperial
- USS Zhukov
- USS Ghandhi
- USS Salamis
- USS Axanar

You can write about anyone you need to, but going on past performance (which is always good) you'll probably want to keep to your own characters until you see which way the story starts to turn. There's nothing wrong with that. Remember now that your posts are taking place against the backdrop of your homeworld under siege, so that should be the dominant thing on the minds of your characters - your personal problems will be there too, but now your characters will be occupied by long working shifts, conscious of their possible roles in ending the Neo-Essentialist rule of Earth. We're here, finally. We can get to work settling with Edgerton, finally. It should be the driving force your characters in the opening round of the story.

With that in mind, it's time for you all to post. Nothing too difficult - just go ahead and write how your characters are feeling now that we're home. You can jeep or threep if you want to write just one scene, but since you all pretty much have characters with ongoing subplots, you can advance your subplots while changing their background to the backdrop of the siege. I'll be in touch with each of you via PM too to give you some ideas and pointers.

Finally, this story is probably going to last all summer. It's the end of April right now, and while it's possible that you might all go on a posting spree and wrap it up in a month, it's more likely that our victory (or defeat) will be decided over the space of a couple of months.

Jerome McKee
the Soul of Captain Michael Turlogh Kane
Commanding Officer

"He speaks an infinite deal of nothing!"
- Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice", Act, Scene 1.117



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