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Inauguration Day

Posted on Oct 16, 2015 @ 7:49pm by Captain Michael Turlogh Kane

Mission: Civil War


(Continued from "A Matter of Opinion")


Captain's Log, supplemental - following yesterday's dramatic announcement by Thoris P'Trell and Sardak, we are once again preparing to meet to discuss their proposal...


Location: USS Phoenix, orbiting E-4
Stardate: [2.15]1017.2355
Scene: Deck 2, saucer section - captain's quarters

When the door buzzer chimed, Michael Turlogh Kane set down his glass of water and stood up. "Come in," he said, knowing who was outside.

It was evening. The meeting with the politicians had dominated the affairs of the day, and had occupied his thoughts ever since. There was only one topic of interest on the ship right now - the question of whether they should accept Thoris P'Trell and Sardak as the new chief executives of the Federation. Except for dinner earlier with Kass, Kane didn't really know what the Phoenix's senior officers thought of the idea, although a chance eavesdrop on a repair crew earlier had let him know that Jake was in favour of it. That meant a lot to Kane - Jake Crichton was the man who kept the Phoenix's heart beating - but again, Kane found himself having to make a decision without a majority input.

The doors to his quarters slid open with a hiss, admitting the ship's android Operations officer. Byte's appearance never seemed to change - its skin was always the same shade of graveyard gray, its eyes a bright cornflower blue. Both clashed garishly against its golden collar and black uniform. {{You wanted to see me, Captain?}}

Kane nodded and gestured to an armchair. "Take a seat, Mister Byte."

{{Take it where, sir?}}

Kane looked at the android sharply.

Byte assumed an innocent air. {{My apologies, Captain. I have recently been experimenting with a humour subroutine known as 'wisecracks'. Are you a fan of the genre, sir?}}

Kane facepalmed. "Just sit down, Lieutenant."

Byte obeyed. {{How can I help, Captain?}}

Kane sat down opposite the android. "You are aware of Secretary P'Trell's proposal today?"

Byte inclined its head. {{Yes, sir.}}

"I am trying to come to a decision as to what to do." Kane leaned back and crossed his legs. Outside his viewport, E-4 rolled on by, a blue-green jewel against black satin. "I've been rereading some history. The Federation has never been in this political situation before." He paused. "I am very aware of history's long shadow, and I'm unsure how to act."

Byte's expression seemed to have changed completely. No longer the innocent child, now its eyes were narrowed as if in deep thought. {{I know exactly how you feel, Captain.}}

"You do?"

Byte nodded. {{Yes.}} It paused a moment, as if framing its thoughts. {{You know that I am not the first positronic android in Starfleet?}}

Kane took a sip of water and made a noise of agreement. "Mmm. The first was active about fifty years ago. It was designed by Noonian Soong, yes?"

{{Yes, Captain. That android served in Starfleet for thirty years before being destroyed during an incident in Romulan space. He had a glittering career - promotions, medals, command of a starship on more than one occasion. He did more to remove the stigma of being an artificial lifeform than any before him.}}

Kane nodded. "I notice you're referring to him by a gender."

{{He was a sentient lifeform that identified as male,}} said Byte pointedly. {{When Professor Maddox activated my siblings and I, we were trumpeted by the media as the most important breakthrough in robotics in a century. When I was the only one of the three of us to choose to join Starfleet, there were numerous media comparisons between my spiritual predecessor and I.}}

Kane finally understood. "You also are conscious of history's shadow." He chuckled. "So you can see my predicament."

{{There may be an historical precedent, sir, not from the Federation, but from old Earth history. Before Earth united itself, there existed in the western hemisphere a nation-state called the United States of America.}}

"I've heard of it."

{{The United States was a republic, with an executive branch also led by a president and vice-president. When the nation was founded, no thought was given as to who should succeed both of these individuals if they were unable to carry out their duties of office. When, in the nineteenth century, a president was assassinated, a constitutional crisis arose as to whether the vice-president would become the new president or simply assume his powers until a new one was elected.}}

"Like the problem we're having now. What did they decide to do?"

{{They created a line of succession for the office. Those individuals who were important members of government were added to that line in order of the importance of their office. If such a crisis ever occurred again, there was a clear successor who would become, not just assume the powers of, the president and vice-president.}}

"Why was such a line of succession not created under the Federation Charter?"

{{Unknown, sir. Perhaps it was tabled, but never resolved. Laws were somewhat mutable in the early days of the Federation due to cultural differences between its members. It took a decade or so before a working judicial codex was in place. Until then, laws local to a particular area of space were applied.}}

"I see." Kane drained the last of his water. "If we liken our current situation to that of the old United States of America, would Secretaries P'Trell and Sardak be elevated to the highest office of their government?"

{{I believe so, Captain. As far as we know, Edgerton has murdered or imprisoned the remaining members of President Moray's cabinet. As the last survivors, it is my opinion that Secretaries P'Trell and Sardak represent continuation of the last legal and legitimate government of the Federation.}}

Kane nodded. That was that, then. "Thank you, Mister Byte," he said, standing up. The android followed suit. "Your insight would make your spiritual predecessor proud."

The android seemed to shine like a praised child. {{Thank you, Captain.}}

"You're dismissed," Kane said politely as the words would allow. As Byte left, Kane locked his cabin door and headed for the bedroom to sleep on it some more.


Scene: Deck 1, saucer section, conference room
Time Index: Next morning

Once again, the participants in the discussion about the future leadership of the Federation met aboard the Phoenix, but this time there was a new voice. Michael Turlogh Kane shook the hand of Marie-Claire Martine, the former Secretary of Starfleet. "You made it," he said to her.

"The ship was having transporter issues," she explained. "Not all of the starships in the fleet are in one hundred per cent working order."

"I understand," Kane said, indicating a seat. "Here, we've made a place for you."

As she sat down, Kane walked to his own seat. Thoris and Sardak did not look nervous or perturbed - he would have expected that from the Vulcan, but it was admirable how they were both in control of their emotions. He passed Peter and Siobhan and sat down.

"Thank you all for coming," said Thoris. "Yesterday, my colleague Sardak and I proposed that we form a government-in-exile here in Elandipole. We are the legitimate civilian authority of the United Federation of Planets, and we ask that you recognise us as such."

Kane gave Peter a quick you-or-me look, and leaned forward. "Let's get it out of the way then. I agree that the loyalist remnants of Starfleet need an operating authority. Furthermore, I agree that you two are the last legitimate members of the current government. My considered opinion is that the Federation government is still in existence, and that the regime now ensconced on Earth is illegal. I am happy to acknowledge you as President and Vice-President of the Federation."

"As am I," said Siobhan. "However, I am worried that we're about to slip into a disastrous civil war that could change the balance of power in the quadrant. Operating as you will be without a full cabinet, I urge you both to rally the peoples of the Federation into action, rather than relying on military strength alone to overthrow the Neo-Essentialists."

Thoris had glanced at Sardak, and shared a nod with him. But now the Andorian turned his eyes to Peter. "And you, Captain Aspinall? What do you say?"

Peter gave a polite shrug. "Sir, I and all my crew are strangers in this universe. The Federation as we knew it lies nineteen years into the future on an erased timeline. Sheer survival is my first priority, but I am happy to use any weapons that might be useful. If that means saluting a new president and taking our place in a new history, then so be it. Not having an election seems strange, but I am prepared to accept your succession by acclamation."

Thoris nodded again and stood up slowly, his features a mask of concentration. "On behalf of the peoples of the United Federation of Planets, I thank you for this great honour. I propose that the swearing-in ceremony be conducted as quickly as possible, and as publicly as possible."

"I concur," said Sardak. "We must spread the word across the quadrant. When people hear that their government has been restored, it will strike a blow against the Neo-Essentialists across a hundred worlds."

"How about in Shanty Town?" asked Siobhan, her eyes lighting up. "It's a new colony, full of hopes and dreams. A swearing-in ceremony on the beach - what do you think?"

"I like it," smiled Martine. "The pictures will look amazing. But who will conduct the ceremony? We don't have anything resembling a judicial branch of government."

There was silence at that. Then Thoris turned to Kane. "Captain Kane, I invite you to swear me in as the next president of the Federation."

Kane's jaw dropped. "Me? Why?"

"Because you are the captain of the Phoenix, the ship that defied Edgerton and the Neo-Essentialists. Edgerton fears you and your crew. With the worlds of the Federation chafing under his martial law, we can send a message of defiance. We can show everyone that the Phoenix and her captain are still alive, that they are loyal to the government that was elected by the people and for the people. Your ship and crew can be symbols of hope for us all."

Kane shook his head. "No way. My people have been through enough. They don't want to be symbols, they just want to go home."

Sardak withdrew his arms from the folds of his voluminous brown robe to frame his words. "The entire Federation knows about your crew, Captain Kane. Materialising the Century over Paris saw to that. Lest you forget, Edgerton has also damned you all as outlaws and assassins. None of you will be going home unless we win this fight and clear your names."

That gave Kane pause. He glanced at Peter and Siobhan. "What do you think?"

Peter shrugged. "In for a penny. Do it."

"Someone has to," nodded Siobhan.

Kane thought of Jake, of Aerdan and Kass, of Russ and Eve and Barton. All of them had, in a way, been swept along in the wake of this mad quest. He recalled the moment he had fired the torpedo that had destroyed the Discovery and shivered. All of them had bought into that, had stood by grimly while unspeakable deeds were wrought for a larger goal. Now, with allies at their side, an end of sorts was in distant sight. There would be a hard endgame to go through, but if Kane owed them anything, he owed them victory. It was the only thing that could make their collective sacrifice worthwhile. Once Edgerton had been cast down, they could retire as heroes.

He looked up at Thoris. "Alright," he said slowly. "I'll do it. Not for you, though, and not for myself. For my crew. "


Scene: Shanty Town, beach
Time Index: That afternoon

It looked like all of Shanty Town had turned out to watch. When word had spread that a new president was going to be sworn in, the colony had swung into action. A makeshift stage had been constructed on the beach, with the ocean as its backdrop. The day was especially beautiful, with a wide blue sky, calm glassy water, and only a light breeze. The stage was raised inside of an hour, and a simple podium placed on one side of it.

It was not their president, nor their government, but the people of Limbo came in throngs. Of the seven thousand souls that were making a home on E-4, almost all of them turned up to see what was going on. Ex-Federation citizens told everyone who would listen that this was a momentous day. Children for whom the Federation was only a word asked questions about what was happening, and those Humans that made up the majority of the crowd started to feel, in their hearts, the longing for a distant Earth some had never seen.

Kassandra's marine squad formed an honour guard around the base of the stage, crisp and professional in their movements. Seats were made available for the forty-eight commanding officers of the fleet, all of whom turned up in full dress uniforms. The senior officers from all the various starships now in the Elandipole system stood in serried ranks behind them. In their reds, golds, and blues, they made an impressive sight.

Michael Turlogh Kane waited patiently on the stage. He was sitting near the main lectern, the place where the oaths of office would be taken. To his right, arranged in a line, were Siobhan, Peter, and Marie-Claire Martine, all in red dress uniforms. The stage was empty, but both Thoris and Sardak were standing by to beam down from the Phoenix when the ceremony began.

As far as Kane could tell, there was no constitutional procedure for what they were about to do. Instead, the administering of the oath of office had evolved through tradition. Once Thoris and Sardak arrived, he'd have to give a short speech, then swear both politicians in, then step back and let Thoris make his first speech. It was all easy enough, but that didn't take anything away from the significance of the event. Once the holo-recorders and news agencies around the quadrant had broadcasted footage of the inauguration around the Federation, it could well trigger a backlash against the Neo-Essentialists. At the very least, Starfleet garrisons now ruling the capital worlds of the Federation might reconsider their positions.

Someone gave someone else a signal, and two shimmering cobalt pillars of light appeared on the stage. As the light faded, depositing Thoris P'Trell and Sardak into full view of the crowd, a round of applause struck up from the Starfleet crowd like a rolling wave. The Limbo crowd looked up, murmuring at their first view of the two politicians.

Thoris P'Trell was dressed in a black business suit with a high collar, the tip of a white undershirt peeking up above it. His icy blue skin contrasted nicely with his clothes, and he stood in a stiff posture, straight up with his hands behind his back. By contrast, Sardak was wearing his perennial brown robe, hood down, hands linked underneath his wide sleeves. Both of them looked contemplative and serious, aware of the momentous occasion.

Kane stepped forward to the lectern as the applause faded. Several holo-cameras and microphones descended like fat flies to hear what he was going to say. He looked out over the crowd, at the water, at the half-constructed Shanty Town, at all his comrades in Starfleet, and started to speak, his voice booming as the hovering speakers relayed his words to all ears in the crowd.

"Two hundred and sixty-nine years ago, the United Federation of Planets was born when Andor, Earth, Tellar and Vulcan all came together to form an interplanetary union the likes of which had never seen in the galaxy before. They each agreed to give up their autonomy and form a central federal government, based on the principles of liberty, rights, and equality, and to share their knowledge and resources in peaceful co-operation, scientific development, space exploration, and mutual defence. Unlike its imperial rivals, who derive their power from a single species subjugating others, the member worlds of the Federation join willingly, and are equals in a democracy composed of trillions of people." He paused for a moment to let that sink in, then changed tack. "That democracy is under threat from the Neo-Essentialist movement. When they overthrew the government, they assassinated President Moray and most of his cabinet. Today, we restore the office of president, and show that the Federation continues as it always has!"

The Starfleet crowd applauded, and many of the people of Limbo joined in too. Kane turned to Thoris P'Trell and nodded, indicating that he was ready. The Andorian held up his right hand to swear the oath of office, and the hovering holo-cameras and microphones clustered in like a cloud.

Kane took a deep breath. The crowd was totally silent now. He glanced down at his PADD. "Please repeat after me. I, Thoris P'Trell - "

The Andorian had obviously prepared himself well. He spoke a clear, stentorian voice that he had obviously been rehearsing. "I, Thoris P'Trell - "

" - do solemnly swear - "

" - do solemnly swear - "

" - that I will faithfully execute - "

" - that I will faithfully execute - "

It was going well. The presidential oath was quite short compared to the oath of the vice-president, perhaps to avoid any public stumbling over complicated legalese. Kane kept on, conscious that they were approaching the important bit. " - the office of President of the United Federation of Planets - "

Thoris spoke those words slowly and significantly. " - the office of President of the United Federation of Planets - "

" - and will to the best my ability - "

Thoris started to smile. Some of the crowd were cheering and clapping. " - and will to the best of my ability - "

" - preserve, protect and defend the Federation Charter." Kane took his eyes up from the PADD as he completed the oath. Thoris repeated him, word for word, and as the Andorian completed the oath there were cheers and claps from the Starfleet crowd. Kane shook Thoris' hand and glanced down at the crowd. Smiles lit up every face like the sunshine, and people were excitedly shaking hands with each other.

Laughter and cheering - it had been so long since Kane had heard anything even approaching it from anyone wearing a Starfleet uniform. It put the last two years into perspective. It had been selfish of him to think that the Phoenix were alone in this fight. Each one of the forty-eight starships in the loyalist fleet had her own story, that climaxed when the crew decided that they would not blindly follow orders that called on them to oppress Federation citizens. Not all of Starfleet was in the hands of the Neo-Essentialists - thousands of them were here today on this beach in defiance of Edgerton's tyranny.

Thoris gripped the lectern with both hands and the crowd hushed. His face had a stern expression and his antennae were pointing straight up into the sea air. "My fellow citizens," he began, "fifty-two men and women of various species have preceded me in this office, but none, I fear, have ever had such a daunting task awaiting them. I have nothing to offer you all except blood, toil, tears, and sweat, as the lights go out all across the worlds of the Federation. True, the Federation has faced many external threats and has always prevailed. But the Neo-Essentialist threat is the most dangerous that we have ever faced! They threaten the very foundations of our way of life - the supersedence of the military, the militarism of our society, aggressive diplomacy, and the suspension of our rights and freedoms! We cannot, we must not, allow this to happen! We will not live in servitude to fascism!"

The Starfleet crowd applauded heartily. Many of the Limbo colonists were nodding too, mindful of the kind of place they had come from.

"The Neo-Essentialists have usurped our capital!" said Thoris. "They have coerced or conned many of our colleagues in Starfleet into supporting them! Martial law has replaced the Federation Charter across the quadrant!"

Thoris paused again to let his words sink in. Many of the faces watching him were grim.

"As the fifty-third President of the United Federation of Planets, I pledge to lead you in this fight to restore our way of life!" he yelled, to a burst of applause. "We have been dealt a hard blow, but we are not defeated!" The cheers rose like a wave, and he waited for them to die down. "We must not underestimate the task that lies before us, of the temerity of the ordeal, to which we will not be found unequal. We must expect many disappointments, many unpleasant surprises, but we can be thankful that now, in the Federation's greatest peril, a new generation of Starfleet officers stands ready to defend us, one and all, so that our greatest peril will surely be turned into our finest hour!"

The effect of Thoris' words were electric. A surge of cheering broken from the mouths of the Starfleet crowd as he stepped away from the podium and stood in front of them, waving and making fists to encourage the crowd.

Thoris turned to Sardak and shook his hand in front of everyone. Then he moved to Kane, Peter, Siobhan, and Martine, applauding them individually. The cheering continued.

Kane stood there in amazement. Thoris was one hell of a public speaker, and he certainly had pushed all the right buttons in this crowd. He reached out his hand, and Thoris shook it warmly. "Congratulations, Mister President," he said, calling Thoris by his new title.

"Thank you, Captain Kane," said the Andorian wirth a smile. He leaned in close to Kane's ear. "Now let's get down to work, shall we?"

Kane nodded. "Yes, sir," he said, feeling more determined than he had in months.


NRPG: Hail to the Chief! (I deliberately didn't write Sardak's swearing-in. You can write it yourself, if you like. Otherwise, just assume it happened.)

Jerome McKee
the Soul of Captain Michael Turlogh Kane
Commanding Officer

"He speaks an infinite deal of nothing!"
- Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice", Act 1, Scene 1.117

"Yes we can."
- Barack Obama's campaign slogan, 2008



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