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Meet The Captain

Posted on May 11, 2015 @ 1:54pm by Captain Michael Turlogh Kane

Mission: The Lights of Hyperion


(Continued from "Mother's Day")


"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore."
- Emma Lazarus, "The New Colossus"


Captain's Log, Supplemental - Limbo is falling away astern and we are underway to Elandipole. We have set a direct route but have not yet been able to brief ourselves on potential hazards en route. We simply haven't had the time. With seven thousand refugees to care for, our already-thin resources are stretching to breaking point. I cannot command the ship from the bridge - there is simply too much work to be done, and I have a number of visits to pay...


Location: USS Phoenix, en route to Elandipole
Stardate: [2.15]0511.1750
Scene: Main Bridge (saucer section)

Michael Turlogh Kane left the ready room where he had recorded his log, making for the turbolift. The bridge was empty save for Byte and Russ at their stations - where there would normally be a minimum of a dozen people on duty, now there was only two. Below decks the story was different. Seven thousand people were crammed the cargo and shuttle bays of the ship, and there was simply not enough room for them all. Making them comfortable was the first priority.

{{Captain?}} Byte got up from the Ops station and approached him.

Kane paused at the turbolift doors. "What is it, Mister Byte?"

The gray-skinned android with the cornflower blue eyes activated the PADD it was carrying. {{A report on our projected voyage to Elandipole, sir. At standard warp speed, we will arrive at Elandipole in fifteen days, nineteen hours, forty-two minutes and - }}

"Understood, Lieutenant. Steady as she goes. You have the bridge."

{{There is more, sir. Given our scant resources, we have been unable to adequately utilise long-range sensors to scan along our route. As a consequence, our maximum speed will be limited while we rely on short-range scans.}}

Kane paused. "Are we having navigational problems?"

{{No sir, but our information on this sector of space is obsolete by many decades. I recommend that the senior staff, such as it is, is convened for a briefing in the next twenty-four to forty-eight hours.}}

Kane raised an eyebrow. "The senior staff, such as it is?"

Byte cocked its head at him. {{Have I misspoken, Captain?}}

Kane smiled. "No, Byte. You were being ironic without even knowing it." The turbolift doors opened and he stepped inside. "Keep it up and you might even become a cynic."

{{Yes, sir.}} Byte's face seemed to be shining like that of a praised child. {{Thank you, sir.}}

The turbolift doors closed on Kane's chuckle.


Scene: Main Engineering, deck 36 (drive section)

There were only two departments on the ship that were not so badly understaffed as the others - Science and Engineering. The Tellarite Ensign Lahav, the acting Chief Science Officer, was even kind enough to acknowledge that, given the current mission, he didn't need all his own people. Now, various lab technicians were working alongside operations staff or filling in as temporary security guards as needed. Seven thousand people needed watching.

They had thirty-nine hands in Engineering, around one-tenth of the number there should have been, and the two busiest hands belonged to the ship's chief engineer, Jacob Crichton. When Kane walked into Engineering, Jake was in conference with his two deputies, Cindy Rochemonte and Sylvia Warren.

"We need another round of maintenance checks on the network around shuttlebay three," Jake was saying. "Also, Crewman Henneman reported a bunch of kids climbing around on the Hubble and the Gauss. We need to make sure those shuttlepods are locked down securely, so bring a couple of extra bodies with you and make sure you tell the civilians down there to stay the hell away from ship's equipment."

Cindy gestured in Kane's direction as he approached, and she and Sylvia made themselves scarce. Jake turned around. "Captain. Something I can do for you?"

"I'm not here on business," said Kane, holding up a hand. "I haven't had a chance to talk to you since your wife's departure from the ship. How are you adjusting to your new role as sole parent?"

Jake deactivated his PADD. He looked uncertain. "Well, I'm... I'm doing fine, Captain.My work won't be affected."

"Of that I have no doubt, Mister Crichton. We all owe you our lives from K-60, and all that latinum sitting in the marine gymnasium is going to come in handy at some point." He lowered his voice in case anyone could hear him. "I wanted to make sure that you were doing alright, that's all. We can spare the Huang He to take Ms. Bonviva to Bolarus, but you can't be expected to spare your wife just like that." He snapped his fingers. "If you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask."

Jake nodded. "I'll miss Xana, but I know she needs this. Frankly, she was going to waste here, Captain. Her diplomacy skills and her influence can really help her people. I just hope she's safe, that's all."

Kane looked around conspiratorially. Still speaking softly, he said "Bolarus may not be a war zone for much longer. Before we left Limbo, I transferred copies of all the Phoenix's files on the Neo-Essentialists to Admiral Radaik on the War Hawk. She is taking them back to her government with the intention of getting them to stop their offensive. We hope that, once the Senate realises how badly a militarised Federation would tip the balance of power in the quadrant, they will want to restore the status quo ante bellum."

"Oh." Jake shrugged."I hope she makes it then. If there's ever a chance that Xana and I are going to be together in peace, we both have to go where we're most needed."

"With your marriage dissolving with each light year between you?"

Jake swallowed hard. "I know that, realistically, Xana and I may never get to be together as a normal couple. We want different things, you see. Still, we're parting on better terms now than we did last time."

Kane reached out and, somewhat awkwardly, put a reassuring hand on Jake's shoulder. Nearby, Cindy nudged Sylvia and nodded towards the sight. "You're the finest engineer I've ever worked with, Commander Crichton," he said meaningfully. He took his hand away. "Carry on."

"Aye, Captain."

Kane glared dangerously at Cindy and Sylvia. "What are you two looking at?" he growled. "Get back to doing whatever it is you do around here." Feeling better as the two women jumped back to their work, he stalked back to the turbolift, crossing another visit off his mental list.


Scene: Deck 22 (drive section) corridor

Kane was on his way back to the bridge when Kassandra Thytos's drawl cut into his reverie, requesting a meeting near Cargo Bay 3. That particular cargo bay was where the majority of the Limbo refugees were - almost two thousand people were crammed inside. The nearby replicators were working overtime in providing water and blankets for everyone, and while things were quiet for now, Kane was well aware that putting that many people in one location was the same as putting a keg of gunpowder in the middle of a fire circle.

Kassandra Thytos was still blind. She looked different without the flickering lights of her sensor net. Her dark blue eyes were dead as stone, and on her wrist she wore an oversized computer panel that was much too loud for decorum.

"ATTENTION!" blared the computer panel as Kane approached, triggering its proximity detector. "CAPTAIN KANE APPROACHING!"

Kane sighed inwardly as the trio turned to face him. There were two other people standing in the corridor with Kass. One was a small Human girl, and the other was a hulking Human man.

The little girl was small with ragged brown curls framing her face. She looked up through bright bewildered eyes. Her dress was ragged, and she held onto Kass's free hand desperately.

The man standing on the other side of her gave Kane pause. Thickly bearded, he was six-and-a-half feet tall and riddled with corded muscle that made him look like he'd seen the inside of a gene chamber more than once.

Limbo refugees, he thought, wonder what they were doing outside of their assigned bay. He eyeballed the big man and glanced down at the bratling before fixing his gaze on the blind marine. "Here I am, Major. What can I do for you?"

"Ah'd like ta make some intraductions," said Kass like she had been rehearsing a spiel. "This little 'un here's called Buttercup. She's one of the kids we done picked up from Limbo. She's lost her parents in the confusion. There's a lot of 'em about, if ya take mah meanin'."

Kane went down on his haunches next to the little girl, wondering what was going on. "Hello, Buttercup," he smiled. "I know things are strange for you right now, but the Phoenix is taking you to a safe place. A lot of people had to leave Limbo in a hurry, you see. Are you alright?"

Buttercup's eyes said no, but her head nodded yes. Kane stood up again.

"An' this here's Jacen Barnes, also of Limbo," said Kass, indicating the hulk. "He's the feller what saved mah life when that Klingon bitch - uh, sorry Buttercup - stabbed me in the back after'n Ah'd kicked the hell out've her. He picked up mah carcass and found Commander Jos's team, and we all decamped back to the Phoenix."

Kane nodded to the big man. "Thank you for your assistance on Limbo, Mister Barnes."

Barnes inclined his head.

Kane looked back at Kass. "Why isn't he in with the other refugees?"

Barnes frowned.

Kass looked surprised. "Huh? Did'n ya hear me, Cap? He saved mah - "

"I heard you, Major." Kane turned to the hulk again. "Mister Barnes, please return to cargo bay three and remain there for the time being."

"You're putting me back in with them?" rumbled the giant.

"I am," said Kane evenly.


"It doesn't matter," said Kane. "It's an order."

A dark cloud settled over Barnes's face. "I'll go," he said." But you're making a bad call, Captain. You've got less than a skeleton crew aboard this ship, and you can't afford to turn away help, especially willing help."

Kane said nothing. Barnes glanced once more at Kass before shrugging and turning away. He ambled down the corridor to the double doors that led into the cargo bay. The crewman on duty - Jim Bonner from Operations - deactivated the forcefield and Barnes went inside.

Kane rounded on Kass. "Are there any more potentially dangerous people loose on my ship, Major?"

"Ah told ya, Cap'n, he's the one saved - "

"Nobody gets out of that damn cargo bay until we know who they are and what we're dealing with, understood?"

Somewhat sullenly, Kass nodded. "Aye,sir. That's what ah was hopin' to talk ta ya about, matter of fact."

"Go on," said Kane neutrally.

"Well, out of the seven thousand people we got aboard now, there're quite a few families, lonesome kids like Buttercup here, or the aged and infirm. It ain't doin' 'em any good bein' cooped up in there like a whole flock o' pigeons. Ah was talkin' it over with Mister Barnes back there, matter of fact, and we came up with an idea."

"Did you," said Kane. Kass's frontier accent could be jarring if you didn't concentrate while she was speaking.

"We did. Ya wanna hear it or what?"

Kane folded his arms, a useless psychological gesture given Kass was still blind. He winked at Buttercup, who had not taken her eyes off him the whole time. "Lay it on me, Major."

"We take the families n' the old n' the sick n' the kids n' we put 'em up in the unoccupied crew quarters. These're people who ain't dangerous, mind. They're just sufferin' n' we help 'em, keep 'em safe by takin' 'em out of a bad situation where they're lumped in with all the crazies." As Kane opened his mouth to question her, she quickly continued. "These're people who ain't no threat to the ship's security, mind. Kids. Women. And such."

Kane smiled sidelong. "I know a few dangerous women, Major."

"They're the low risk people, Cap'n. We'll impose rules on 'em, a curfew, restrictions on where they kin go, make sure they don't git in the way. Crew quarters are the decks above n' below this one, so we wouldn't be spreadin' 'em all over the ship. They'd still be contained, as it were."

"You make a good case, Major."

"One more thing, Cap'n. Some o' the Limbo people might have skills that we could use. We need security guards, we need engineers, we need - "

"Make it so, then. We'll ask the refugees who are able to help out, subject to the same security restrictions," said Kane. "Is Commander Jos still inside the cargo bay?"

"Yessir. They're callin' it Shanty Town now, though."

Kane beckoned her forward. "Follow me, Major. Let's head inside Shanty Town and see what's happening."

With Buttercup still clinging to her hand, Kass followed her irascible CO down the corridor to the forcefield-covered doorway.


Scene: Cargo Bay Three (Shanty Town)

It really was a Shanty Town.

The people of Limbo had not arrived with empty hands. Those that could had brought along whatever of their belongings that they could carry, and now a proper little community was forming inside the cargo bay. Some people had even constructed a makeshift second level along one wall, rigging a platform that could be accessed by a jury-rigged ladder.

Kane spied Aerdan Jos. The Andorian was talking to an older Human man. Jacen Barnes was lurking at the edge of the onlooking crowd. Along with Kass and Buttercup, he moved through the people towards his ExO.

Aerdan saw Kane coming. "Captain."

"Report, Mister Jos."

Aerdan indicated the man beside him. He was tall and thin, with narrow features framing brown eyes, graying hair swept back from his face. He was smiling warmly at Kane. "Captain, this is Arthur Embry, one of the refugees from Limbo. Mister Embry has become something of a community leader here in cargo bay three."

Kane offered his hand, and Embry shook it firmly. "Good to meet you, Captain Kane. Your people are doing an excellent job looking after us. On behalf of us all, thank you for rescuing us from Limbo." His voice was authoritarian, offset by the smile on his face.

"I'm sorry we couldn't get more of you off," said Kane. "My senior staff are telling me that there are several displaced families amongst your people."

"That's true," said Embry. "And not everyone who came aboard the ship has a stellar record as a law-abiding citizen."

Kane glanced at Kass. "We'd like to transfer specific cases - isolated children, the elderly or infirm, and families, into unoccupied crew quarters on the decks above and below this one. It would ease the congestion here."

Embry nodded vigorously. "Yes, Captain, that would be excellent. I can help Commander Jos organise that. We'll start immediately."

"Good. Also, we are desperately short-staffed on the ship. If any of the people here have any technical experience that could assists us, we'd appreciate it if they came forward."

"Nobody gets free passage if they can work for it, eh Captain?" said Embry with a wink. "I understand. I used to be in the service myself."

"You did?"

"Federation Diplomatic Corps. Someone has to keep the peace between all the peoples of our great alliance."

Kane nodded. "And you're a community leader down here?"

Embry looked around. "It's not like I was looking for the job, but it seems to be necessary. I thought a liaison between these people are the powers-that-be on the ship would be necessary. Fortunately, I have a lot of friends on Limbo."

Kane indicated the hulking form of Jacen Barnes. "You could do worse than enlisting that man's help, Mister Embry. He was invaluable in assisting us on Limbo."

"Indeed?" Embry raised an eyebrow and glanced over at Jacen. "I'll be sure to, Captain. In the meantime, I'll pass the word the people here for skilled hands to join your crew."

"We'll also begin moving people into the crew quarters," said Aerdan. "I'll make a progress report to you later."

"Don't worry," said Embry. "We'll keep things quiet down here until we get to where we're going. Where is that, by the way?"

Kane shook his head. "I can't tell you that yet, Mister Embry."

Embry looked surprised, but quickly killed his expression. "Oh. I understand. Well, thank you again for the ride, Captain."

Kane looked around at Kass and Aerdan. "Carry on."

As he made his way out of the cargo bay, bound for the bridge, he knew they would, one way or they other.


NRPG: Moving things along by way of massive amounts of dialogue.

Meet Arthur Embry. He is a community leader with a chequered past who's going to act as a liaison between the people of Limbo and the command staff. He has a bio on the website that none of you have noticed before because nobody visits the website and nobody appreciates the work I do and why oh why do I bother and is anyone actually reading this?*

As he said, the word will be put out looking for potential people to join the crew. Create those NPCs if you want to make them semi-permanent, send me the bio and a pic, and they'll find a home on the website.

We'll also start moving at-risk people to the unoccupied crew quarters between decks 17-20, and decks 23-27. We can house the Starfleet crew in the saucer section. Check the Starship Technical Specifications for more information on where things are on the ship.

The mission opener is scheduled for May 25th, but I have a funny feeling it might start sooner, depending on your posts. An updated ship's books will come out for that.

Remember to adjust your mail strings to the updated mailing list on Facebook.

All of you have something to do. Moar posts!

ALIX: Kass is hanging out with the new moppet, getting her sensor net back and settling people into their crew quarters. Selyara is ruminating.

SUSAN: There are seven thousand various stories on the ship, some more affected than others. Not everyone adjusts to new surrounding easily. Plenty for a Counselor to do.

JUSTIN: You can start working towards your "For Posts To Get Sane" goal.

DALE: Arthur Embry is the guy I was telling you about. Although confined to the cargo bay, Jacen can assist in the movement of hundreds of refugees while attaching himself to one of the more prominent NPCs on the ship.

Jerome McKee
the Soul of Captain Michael Turlogh Kane
Commanding Officer
USS Phoenix

"He speaks an infinite deal of nothing!"
- Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice", Act 1, Scene 1.117

* You were reading it? Yay!



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