Rear Admiral T'sen

Name T'sen

Position Chief of Starfleet Operations

Rank Rear Admiral

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Vulcan
Age 68

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9"
Weight 155lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Not that she would appreciate her looks being referred to, but T'sen has a more waxy countenance than many Vulcans, and has blue eyes inherited from her maternal grandmother.

Her lips and tongue are are a noticeable shade of pale green - Vulcans call this condition "tol-yar'kur". Centuries ago it was believed to be a sign of an imbalance in the bodily humours, but modern medicine recognises it as a normal (if somewhat rare) genetic expression.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Skallo, deceased
Mother Vassik, 106, public administrator
Sister(s) Vik, 69, Savensu ('Teacher') at the Vulcan Science Academy
Other Family Paras, 36, nephew, Starfleet Ensign, working on the Operations staff of Starbase 2

Personality & Traits

General Overview T'sen prides herself on being professional at all times, even when off-duty. Some would call her cold, but those would be the sort of people who are not as professional as she is. The best kind of relationship you can hope for with T'sen is a 'good working relationship'.
Strengths & Weaknesses Her clarity of thought is acute, even for a Vulcan. In the past, she's been able to make decisions in crisis situations with a steady and steely resolve. This can, however, lead to the kind of thinking where the needs of the few are discarded in favour of the needs of the many.
Ambitions With her elevation to her current position, T'sen appears satisfied.
Hobbies & Interests She regularly practices meditation, and owns one of the meditating lamps that formerly belonged another Vulcan Starfleet officer and Federation Ambassador, Spock. The little bronze lamp dates from the late 23rd century, making it over a century old.

Personal History T'sen entered the Academy a few years later than her contemporaries, but that did not stop a meteoric rise through the rank of Starfleet over the next thirty years.

Graduating as an Operations officer, she spent 16 years on various starbases and starships before becoming a first officer. After spending 7 years cutting her teeth on the bridges of starships, serving through the Seventh War of Retribution, she gained her first command.

After two successful tours as a CO, she moved into management, becoming responsible for thousands of personnel and dozens of starships before moving to Starfleet Command.

Her advancement was stymied when Richard Edgerton rose to power, as Humans were given preference for promotion. T'sen considered resigning from Starfleet, but managed to avoid persecution by simply being as quiet as possible and conducting numerous inspection tours of various Starfleet facilities.

Although having never experienced racism from her Starfleet colleagues, she was occasionally subjected to it on Earth and other colony worlds during the Neo-Essentialist crisis. While she does not blame all Humans for the actions of some, she does support the idea of reform in the Federation to curb the power of Humans.

The pinnacle of her career was achieved in 2431, when she was nominated and approved as Head of Starfleet Operations.
Service Record 2369 - born in ShiKahr, Vulcan
2390 - enters Starfleet Academy
2395 - graduates Starfleet Academy, commissioned as Ensign

2396 - assigned as Operations staff on Starbase 10
2398 - promoted to Lieutenant, JG

2399 - assigned as Assistant Operations Officer, USS Courageous
2402 - promoted to Lieutenant, Chief Operations Officer

2403 - assigned to USS Arcturus as Chief Operations Officer
2406 - promoted to Lieutenant Commander

2408 - assigned to Deep Space 3 as Chief Operations Officer

2411 - promoted to Commander
2411 - assigned to USS Coridan as Executive Officer

2416 - assigned to USS Constellation as Executive Officer

2418 - promoted to Captain
2418 - assigned to USS Horizon as Commanding Officer

2423 - assigned to USS Fox as Commanding Officer

2425 - promoted to Commodore
2425 - assigned to Starbase 6 as Commanding Officer

2428 - assigned to Starfleet Command as Deputy Operations Chief

2431 - promoted to Rear Admiral
2431 - assigned to Starfleet Command as Head of Operations