St. Patrick's Day

Created by Captain Michael Turlogh Kane on Aug 16, 2016 @ 4:54am


ST. PATRICK'S DAY is a cultural holiday celebrated across the Federation. Originally begun to commemorate the death of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, it has now become so mainstream as to be celebrated on more worlds than any other festival in the quadrant!*

On Earth, St. Patrick's Day was usually celebrated with raucous abandon. The tradition of dyeing everything green, including beer, rivers, clothes, and even skin, continued until well into the 21st century before eventually petering out.

In the 25th century Starfleet , it is more usually commemorated quietly by Irish Starfleet personnel who remember their homeland and families from wherever they are in the galaxy.

*The Bringloidi do not exist, no matter what anyone says.

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