Varn, Thomas

Created by Captain Michael Turlogh Kane on Aug 16, 2016 @ 4:43am


Thomas Varn
Recently Resurrected Scientist
Elandipole IV

Character Information
Gender: Male
Species: Human (Genetically Altered)
Age: 37

Physical Appearance
Height: 5 ft 11in
Weight: 185lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Changes with mood

Physical Description: Standing at an almost common height of five feet and eleven inches tall, with a standard build. You'll find no bulging triceps or biceps upon this man as his arms and legs are fit but not lean. His skin tone is that of a light tanned skin which most would find after standing in the sun a few hours. His hair, brown curling in the back near the bottom right before his neck begins. His eyes a mixture of blue and green changing and intensifying one or both colors upon his moods, only to be off set by the slightest hint of yellow found in specs surround his pupil. His stature that of a man knowing where he is going and his head focused on that which he wants. Neither slouching nor standing straight there is a slight curve of his shoulders giving him the appearance of being an inch or two shorter than he truly is. His face cleanly shaven, giving him the baby faced appearance that is well known to all. One lone milky white scare stands out above his right eye in the shape of a small tooth like triangle. Thomas’ shoulders seem to protrude more than normal under the coat that he wears in a modified uniform. He hides them as best as he can, but everyone that knows him knows what is beneath the veil. If he were to remove the coat itself beneath would reveal two large pure white wings.

Abridged Personal History
The original Thomas Varn died several months ago aboard the USS Phoenix during the 'Lights of Hyperion' incident. When the Phoenix's crew uncovered the Neo-Essentialist project known as Promethean on the ice planet Lavenza II, the dead Thomas Varn's genetic material was used to test the device. It is unknown (and undecided by the ship's crew) if this resurrected Thomas Varn is the original man, or if he is a copy of their dead comrade. His story continues...

Categories: V