Promethean Device, The

Created by Captain Michael Turlogh Kane on Aug 16, 2016 @ 4:03am


The PROMETHEAN DEVICE was a breakthrough in medical technology that may yet have the potential to change the nature of life as we know it.

The Neo-Essentialist movement has long sought to perfect the Human race by tinkering with its genome. After two previous projects - Harbinger and Demon - were exposed and terminated, a third project was begun on the isolated ice-planet of Lavenza II. Building on genetic data acquired over the previous twenty years of effort, Project Promethean sought to not only splice the genome of higher life-forms, but also to recombine them back into new and myriad forms.

The key was in combining medical data with transporter technology. The molecular imaging of a subject's medical data was blended with a modified annular confinement beam in order to generate a new matter stream. The Promethean Device then used a complex series of inter-connected pattern buffers to reconstitute organic tissue. Although initially thought to be of use in medical transplants or in the growing of new organs, the Neo-Essentialist research team quickly gleaned that this new technology could be used to create 'duplicates' of living people - all they needed was a copy of the subject's medical data and their last transporter records.

The potentialities for this new technology are staggering. The Neo-Essentialist research team were aiming for nothing less than immortality, envisaging a society where death meant nothing. After all, if a patient could be put through a transporter an hour before their untimely death, the Promethean Device would have been capable of 'resurrecting' that person as if they had never died.

The Lavenza II arctic base was discovered by the USS Phoenix, and in the ensuing incident, the Promethean Device and all its records were destroyed, completely eradicating all traces of the project from history.

Or were they? Rumours swirl that the design templates of the Device were recovered intact by the crew of the Phoenix before a volcanic eruption obliterated the Lavenza research facility. Only time will tell if these rumours are true, and if they are, what they might mean for life as we know it...

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