Phased Polaron Beams ("Phasers")

Created by Captain Michael Turlogh Kane on Aug 16, 2016 @ 4:00am


The offensive weapons systems of the USS Phoenix are, primarily, PHASED POLARON BEAMS. Although bearing little scientific resemblance to older-style shipboard beam weapons, the Phoenix's phased polaron beams are still colloquially referred to as 'phasers'.

A polaron is a type of subatomic particle - a conductive electron that can repel negative ions and attract positive ions, thereby initiating an almost-infinite amount of self-induced potential energy - and when these particles are concentrated into beam form, they are capable of obliterating the gravitron particles that make up standard starship deflector shields.

First utilised in a primitive form by the Dominion in the late 24th century, the Federation reverse-engineered and developed the technology into an advanced form as part of Project Phoenix. The ship was fitted with no less than seventeen 'phaser' banks, giving it incredible offensive firepower that is still many years ahead of current Alpha Quadrant shield technology. When the Phoenix was launched, she immediately made all other starships - Federation, Romulan, Dominion - obsolete, and when word leaked out of her weapons capabilities, it caused major diplomatic ructions across the quadrant.

Visually, phased polaron beams resemble standard phaser beams, except they transmit across the entire visible electro-magnetic spectrum, appearing as lances of white-hot beams instead of the common orange beams more familiar to Starfleet personnel.

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