
Created by Captain Michael Turlogh Kane on Aug 16, 2016 @ 3:39pm


Thaleron is a type of electro-magnetic radiation that has unique biogenic properties. It is utterly deadly to organic life, consuming organic matter at the sub-atomic level. Thaleron is capable of almost limitless expansion, meaning that exposure to even a microscopic amount of it would be the death of any living thing it touches.

The potential of weaponised thaleron has long been of interest to the militaries of the Alpha Quadrant. However, the substance's destructive power is so total that no government has ever authorised their use in war, fearing that thaleron weapons will be used against them in return.

During the Neo-Essentialist Crisis, Richard Edgerton designed and launched the Aegis Network, a thaleron-based satellite system that was designed to hold the Earth to ransom under threat of utter destruction. The satellite network was destroyed during the Battle of Earth, but one thaleron device was used, destroying the city of Paris and killing 28 million people in the worst single-event holocaust in Human history.

Today, thaleron weapons remain banned by the Federation.

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