Starfleet General Orders

Created by Captain Michael Turlogh Kane on Aug 16, 2016 @ 3:30pm


STARFLEET GENERAL ORDERS are a list of commands from Starfleet's operating authority that are considered to be permanently in effect. The first set of General Orders were drawn up by the Secretary of Starfleet 270 years ago, and then established by order of the Federation Council. They have been amended over time. This list of twenty-four General Orders is current and correct as of Stardate 2.1606.

It is important to remember that the list below are 'general' orders. Almost all of them have been justifiably broken by various starship captains in the past three centuries.

As the right of each sentient species to live within its normal cultural evolution is considered sacred, no starship may interfere in the normal development of any alien life or society. This directive takes precedence over any and all other considerations, and carries with it the highest moral obligation.

No Starfleet personnel shall ever use unnecessary force, collectively or individually, against member worlds of the United Federation of Planets or that their duly appointed representatives, spokespersons, or designated leaders.

Starfleet personnel shall observe any and all statutes, laws, ordinances, and rules of government currently in effect within the local jurisdiction of any member world of the United Federation of Planets. Violations of such ordinances shall be under the jurisdiction of local law authorities.

If First Contact is made with hitherto-unknown sentient and warp-capable life-forms, Starfleet personnel will make no agreements or treaties with said life-forms without prior Plenipotentiary Authorisation of the United Federation of Planets.

Starfleet personnel are required to submit to civilian authority in instances of extreme emergency, where that civilian authority is derived from authorisation by the Council of the United Federation of Planets.

The request for emergency assistance from a member world of the United Federation of Planets demands unconditional priority from all Starfleet personnel.

No Starfleet personnel shall visit, for any reason,emergency or otherwise, any planet declared as Prohibited by the Council of the United Federation of Planets.

Upon sighting of a foreign starship within the borders of the United Federation of Planets, the commander of the Starfleet vessel shall, as a first measure, attempt to determine the reason(s) for the foreign starship's presence.

No commander of any Starfleet vessel or facility, military or auxiliary, may grant permanent political asylum to any individual on behalf of the United Federation of Planets.

If there exists verifiable evidence that Starfleet personnel or civilian officials have violated General Order 1, said personnel may be immediately relieved of duty by other Starfleet personnel and placed under arrest.

Starfleet personnel with the rank of Captain or higher are granted limited authority to negotiate conditions of agreement or treaties with legal representatives of foreign governments. Any and all agreements arranged in this manner require ratification by the Assembly of the United Federation of Planets.

On the approach of any space vessel, when communications have not been readily established, Starfleet personnel are authorised to initiate a Yellow Alert.

Unless received orders specifically state the opposite, Starfleet personnel will not violate the territorial integrity of any non-member world or foreign government.

Starfleet personnel may intervene in the local affairs of any member world of the United Federation of Planets to restore order or safeguard the lives of citizens of the United Federation of Planets, if invited to do so by a legitimate head of state.

No Starfleet flag officer shall travel into a hostile area without armed escort.

Starfleet personnel may extend medical or technological assistance to a previously-unknown sentient warp-capable species, only if that assistance in no way compromises the security of Starfleet and the United Federation of Planets.

In any hostile situation, the commander of a Starfleet vessel will place the lives of her crew above the survival of her ship.

In the event of being accused of treason, Starfleet personnel may request trial by jury instead of a court-martial. If the individual is acquitted by the judiciary of the United Federation of Planets, Starfleet will have no further legal recourse.

No Starfleet personnel may ever transport unauthorised personnel, munitions, or weapons aboard a starship.

Starfleet personnel may employ whatever means necessary to prevent the possession, transportation, sale or commercial exchange of sentient beings against their will within the borders of the United Federation of Planets.

While a member of Starfleet, no officer or enlisted personnel may offer their services to another government without express authorisation of the Council of the United Federation of Planets.

As the right of free speech and individual public discourse are considered sacred, no censure shall fall upon any member of Starfleet for debating the policies and/or decisions of their government, as long as such discourse does not violate their Oath of Service or any specific duties.

If the commander of a Starfleet vessel determines that there is a clear and present danger to the safety of other Starfleet personnel or citizens of the United Federation of Planets, she may take any and all actions (including the use of force) to ensure the safety of those threatened.

Civilian and military personnel taken prisoner by Starfleet personnel during times of emergency are to be treated commensurate with their rank or station, unless such treatment would violate the security of Starfleet or the United Federation of Planets.

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