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Port Call

Posted on May 26, 2014 @ 7:52pm by Lieutenant Russ BaShen & Commander Jacob Crichton
Edited on on Jun 05, 2014 @ 8:41am

Location: Various
Tags: Russ, Jake, DISCOVERY


“Port Call”

Con’d from: "The Chaotic Good, Part 2"


Location: Starbase One
Stardate: 2.140424.1103
Scene: Admiral Edgerton’s Office

Jake Crichton was waiting outside the Admiral’s office for nearly an hour past their appointment-time. He had used the time well: pacing around, checking nearby fixtures for dust specks, and repeatedly asking the Admiral’s administrative assistant when he would be allowed to go in.

“Soon,” came the answer each time, and then Jake would go off on another lap.

He was anxious to get this over with. He and Xana had talked about things, staying up until the sun had started to rise. They still had much to discuss, but she and Jake had agreed on at least one thing: Jake would turn down the position on the USS DISCOVERY. He had a lot of shore leave accrued, and he would use it to stay on Earth for awhile, with his wife and children. He had a lot of catching up to do, and for the first time in two years Jake didn’t mind the idea of staying in one place long enough to do it. He wouldn’t retire from the fleet altogether- a point that he and Xana had decided to let go for now- but for the immediate future he didn’t want to be anywhere else.

So, Jake would tell the Admiral that he appreciated the offer, but he would have to pass.

Jake came around to the admin assistant’s desk again.

“We have to stop meeting like this,” Jake said, trying on his best polite smile.

“I’m sorry sir,” the admin assistant said. “Admiral Edgerton is a very busy man. He will be with you as soon as possible.”

“*He* asked me for this appointment,” Jake said.

“I understand sir, but plans must have changed.”

“I figured it out,” Jake said, rolling his eyes. “There is no admiral. I bet you’re not even a real secretary.”

“I am an administrative assistant,” the administrative assistant pointed out.

“Too late to change your story now,” Jake said. “I’m on to your nefarious scheme. How deep does this go?”

“Sir, please sit-”

Suddenly, the doors to the Admiral’s office opened, and Rear Admiral Richard Edgerton strolled out, buttoning the top few buttons of his formal uniform. He didn’t seem to even notice Crichton standing there.

“I’m leaving early, Leonard,” Edgerton said to his admin assistant without looking at him. “Another official dinner. If their pie is any good, I’ll try to sneak some out for you.”

“Uh, thank you sir,” Leonard the admin said. “But, sir-”

“Hmm?” Edgerton said, turning now and finally seeing Crichton standing there. Crichton immediately snapped to attention.

“Sir,” Jake said.

“At ease,” Edgerton said. “Leonard, who’s this?”

“Jacob Crichton, sir,” Leonard said. “I notified you he was waiting.”

“Crichton,” Edgerton said, saying the name like he’d never heard it before.

“Yes, sir,” Jake said. “I was told to report to you to officially receive my new assignment aboard the DISCOVERY.”

The mention of DISCOVERY seemed to catch Edgerton’s attention.

“Right,” he said. “Crichton. You’re the Engineer.”

“Yes sir,” Jake said.

“I’m sorry to have wasted your time, son,” Edgerton said, smiling ruefully. “These meetings are mostly a formality, I transmitted your reassignment information to you two days ago. I thought you’d just call, I’d say a few words neither of us would remember later, and that’d be that.”

“Sir, there’s something-”

“Well, domini domini domini, you’re officially the Chief Engineer of the USS DISCOVERY,” Edgerton said, waving his hands vaguely in Jake’s direction. “Now, go enjoy the world. I’m sure there are places you’d rather be than my office.”

“Sir, I would like to respectfully decline this transfer,” Jake said. “I have a lot of shore leave piled up, and I’d like the opportunity to focus on my family for awhile.”

“I see,” Edgerton said. “Family’s very important.”

“Yes sir,” Jake said.

Edgerton nodded, then shrugged. “Request denied.” He turned to leave again.

“Sir?” Jake said quickly. Edgerton stopped, and turned around to face Jake again.

“Your Federation needs you, son,” Edgerton said. “We’re still licking our wounds after the war. Your shore leave will have to wait.”

“Sir, there must be dozens of qualified engineers-”

“There are,” Edgerton said. “On other ships. We need you on DISCOVERY. Sorry, Crichton.”

“Sir, with all due respect, you can’t make me go,” Jake said.

“I can have you arrested for dereliction of duty,” Edgerton said.

“I’ll resign my commission,” Jake said.

“You’ll have to,” Edgerton said. “Be a pity, though. Your whole career, gone in an instant. You’ll never get an offer to serve aboard a Starfleet vessel again. You really want to give all that up?”

Jake swallowed. Edgerton seemed to know all the right buttons to push.

“The orders stand, Crichton,” Edgerton said. He turned and walked away, not looking back. Jake stood there for a minute, shell-shocked by his encounter with the admiral, and with one thought on his mind.

Xana wasn’t going to like this.


Location: McKinley Station, Earth orbit
Scene: Main Docking Port

It is a truism of life; birds of a feather will flock together. Russ gazed about the spaceport from the safety of his bench. Crewmen and women milled about, each a particle of water in a larger stream; and yet, a closer look revealed the segregation that had just occurred to Russ. A group of young female ensigns were walking together, lost in a torrent of conversation, the words almost on top of one another; they were followed by three silent but visibly cocksure young men, each with the gait of a fighter pilot. Against a wall, a cluster of Vulcans were discussing some serious matter, their faces grave and impassive. An explosive argument was carrying down towards him from a mix of science officers, who were debating the merits of someone named T'Leia’s latest theoretical findings regarding Schlezholt's theory of multiple big bangs. Perhaps it was his age starting to catch up to him, but all the bustle made him long for the peace and quiet of Maverick’s ship.

“Ever wonder if you’re getting too old for this shit?” A clean-shaven Commander sat next to him, eyeing the crowd around them.

Russ turned to observe the newcomer, somewhat bemused. *Birds of a feather…* “I try not to think about it too hard. It makes my white hair come in faster.”

“Ain’t that the truth…” the commander said. He extended a hand. “Jake Crichton.”

“Commander Crichton,” Russ said. “Russ BaShen.” The two men shook hands.

“Flight control?” Jake asked.

“That’s me,” Russ said.

“I remember your name from the manifest,” Jake said. “Good to be serving with you.”

“Likewise,” Russ said. “I understand you’ll be running the engine room.”

“I’ll do my best,” Jake said.

“It’s probably good that me met now,” Russ said. He smiled with a hint of mischief at the engineer. “I should let you know, I like to push the ship a little, really see what she’s capable of. Not all the engineers I’ve worked with have liked that.”

“Oh really?” Jake replied, a bemused smile on his face.

“Most of them can’t keep up,” Russ said, smiling back and giving Jake a half-shrug. “You think we’ll have that problem, me and you?”

“I wouldn’t worry about it,” Jake said. “You promise not to crash us into anything, I’ll promise I’ll keep her gassed-up and shiny. Might even throw in a coat of wax.”

“Fair enough,” Russ chuckled.

“Have you heard anything about our mission?” Crichton asked.

“Nothing I could swear to,” Russ shrugged. “Just the usual rumors. Some kind of mysterious subspace signal. I expect the captain will fill us in when we’re all sat down together.”

“Yeah,” Jake said. He was staring out the window, to the space dock where the workers were buzzing around the DISCOVERY.

Russ was watching Jake’s expression, and frowned. Something was up. “This can’t be your first time out,” Russ said. “You worried?”

“No,” Jake said. “Not worried, not exactly.”

“You seemed distracted,” Russ observed. “Like maybe you’re not in such a hurry to leave.”

“I’m not,” Jake said. A pregnant pause followed. “Or I wasn’t. Or maybe I was, but now I’m…” he broke off, realizing how it must sound, and smiled at Russ. “Sorry. I’m complicated.”

“So tell me about it.”

“I tried to get out of this assignment,” Jake admitted. “I had a lot of shore leave saved, and I’m kind of trying to figure some things out right now with my wife...”

“Mmm,” Russ said. Russ turned away, slightly uncomfortable now. Despite all that he had been through, thoughts of marriage still brought up Amnia to his mind. He shook off the feeling, however; it was no good getting caught up in the past. He stayed silent, letting Jake talk in his own time.

“This is the first time I’ve been back to Earth in almost 2 years,” Jake finally said. “I figured shipping back out again immediately is the last thing our marriage needed, so I requested a leave of absence.”

“But you didn’t get it,” Russ observed.

“No,” Jake said. “And to be honest, I’m wondering why.”

“The ship’s leaving within the week,” Russ observed. “Maybe you made your request at the last minute?”

“I suppose,” Jake said. “But I wasn’t told about the transfer until last minute either. This whole mission just feels… hell, I don’t know.”

Russ speculated on this. “I guess it does feel a little rushed,” Russ said. “You’re worried something might happen?”

“Not really,” Jake said. “I guess it’s always dangerous, but you don’t go into it thinking something’s going to happen to you.”

“No…” Russ said quietly. “You don’t.”

“Not since the war, at least,” Jake continued. “I don’t know. Maybe its just habit. I got used to always being worried.”

“I like a worried engineer, I think,” Russ said. “The sort that always checks the numbers just one more time.”

“Then I guess you’re in luck,” Jake half smiled.

Russ pondered the Commander for a second, and decided that he liked the man. “Commander, tell you what. I’ve been known to break the occasional law of physics, so you keep the engine running hot, and I’ll see if I can’t push the engines just a little faster so we get this mission taken care of and back to your wife. ”

Jake turned a bemused expression to Russ. “Well then, I guess I’ll have just have to give it all she’s got now, won’t I? And it’s Jake.” He stuck out his hand for Russ to shake, which Russ took.

Just then, port call sounded over the intercom, followed by an announcement for all hands for the USS Discovery to make their way onboard. Jake and Russ glanced at each other, nodded, and picked up their bags, moving quickly through the crowd to their final destination.


NRPG: Now get posting again!


Joint Post by

Shawn Putnam


Jake Crichton, Commander

Chief Engineering Officer



Christopher B. Del Gesso

Writing as

Russ Gerodi BaShen, LtJG

Chief Flight Control Officer

USS Discovery


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