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The One Per Cent

Posted on Jun 03, 2015 @ 10:50pm by Thomas Varn
Edited on on Jun 03, 2015 @ 10:51pm

Mission: The Lights of Hyperion

“The One Percent”

(Continued from “Down the Socio-Path”)


Location: U.S.S. PHOENIX

Scene: Varn/Warren Quarters

Stardate: [2.5]0602.1010


Thomas stood there looking at his face using his finger to poke his skin watching it slightly change only to return to its dark complexion. Taking a deep breath Thomas turned to Sylvia who was now standing in the door frame of the bathroom smirking at his appearance. Thomas narrowed his gaze before sticking out his tongue at the whole situation.

“It’s not funny,” he stated turning back to the mirror looking at his skin once again, “and I don’t see why Cade couldn’t just repair the damaged skin.”

Sylvia laughed slightly before stepping forward resting a hand on his shoulder, “he said something about needing to keep an accurate reading of radiation and examples of what it is causing.”

“I know very well he just wanted me to walk around the ship with only the front half of me tanned,” Thomas stated shaking his head.

Sylvia nodded before turning and leaning back against the counter top, “Lieutenant Suvek said come back by later and he would correct your skin tone.”

“Thank you,” Thomas stated looking down before taking a deep breath.

Patting his arm Sylvia smiled and began walking out of the room, “you’re welcome.”

The next few minutes were just Thomas looking at himself before shaking his head as the memory replayed over in his head. His curious nature was lingering in the back of his mind like a caged animal trying to claw itself out to be used and unleashed to theorize. The tricorder had gathered several readings that Thomas had hoped to use and study later but the blast, whatever it was, had damaged the device beyond recalling the scans. As he slowly walked into the next room he stood there and watched Sylvia look at the damaged spot on the floor her arms wrapped around her midriff.

Walking out Thomas reached his hand out but stopped, “the radiation is gone now, and Cade said both of you checked out great.”

Sylvia smiled and looked down, “but what’s to stop the next time, especially if I'm trapped in a turbolift or jefferies tube.”

Taking her by the arm Thomas pulled her close holding her trying his best to comfort her and give back that feeling of being safe that had been taken. His mind raced with possibilities and none of them working as far as he could tell. He knew that she would never give up her duty shift until it was absolutely necessary even then she’d fight, the engineering team couldn’t take a hit of losing someone at this moment, and there was absolutely no way he could be with her at every moment or be sure that the incident would happen again. He had heard that there were other spots on the ship reporting strange radiation occurrences and it hadn’t connected until now.

“That’s it,” he stated pulling back slightly causing Sylvia to look at him.

She shook her head some what confused before responding, “what is?”

“There have been several different incidents like we had here and I'm betting that someone somewhere has gotten scans of what is going on,” Thomas stated letting go of her before pacing slightly, “which means there may be someone already working on deciphering what is happening and with pretty much everyone under staffed...”

Sylvia smiled, “they could use the mind of a free scientist?”

Nodding Thomas kissed her forehead, “if it will help keep you, and, and the…”

“Baby,” Sylvia stated looking at him.

Nodding and swallowing Thomas said the word, “baby safe, then I'll do it.”


Scene: Primary Science Center


“Wait what did you just say,” Thomas stated pacing back and forth looking at the information that the young ensign he found sitting behind the chief science officers desk had been graciously forthcoming with.

Stephanie Trimble stood there and crossed her arms explaining again the information that had been collected and delivered to her, “ there have been at least six confirmed incidents involving radiation in the last forty eight hours with most reporting a visible formation of a ball giving off light. Most notably with the last information received moments ago from Major Thytos after being exposed for over thirty minutes.”

“Is the Major ok,” Thomas asked taking the padd with the latest updated information and slowly reading over the scans.

Nodding Stephanie sat back down before looking over the same data that she had been reviewing for what seemed like years, “she is being treated for radiation exposure; but, that is about all I know.”

Thomas nodded showing that his subconscious was still keeping track of the conversation; but, the full front of his mind was embraced in the riddle before him, “fascinating, all the data and information that her net records would be invaluable to someone that wanted, well wanted to study radiation. I’m to assume the scribbles are representations of the perceived size, shape, and general appearance of what she saw.”

“Yes, it is the most accurate information that we have at the moment that didn’t cause serious injury to the individual experiencing it,” Stephanie stated laying the pad down rubbing the bridge of her nose.

“Oh, don’t discount radiation exposure as being non-serious just yet ensign,” Thomas stated before looking up, “Ensign, when is the last time you had a break or any sleep?”

Stephanie’s face flushed with color as she tried her best to sit up, “is it that obvious.”

Thomas smiled slightly, “no, but when you have sat in that chair or any chair of authority you recognize the signs even if they are hidden fairly well.”

Sighing Stephanie nodded, “it’s been almost twelve hours since my break, and the next shift is due to come in any moment after working a shift in the Shanty Town.”

Thomas sighed, “what is the rotation on the shifts in Shanty Town versus working in the science departments.”

Stephanie sat there looking over the padds, “well…”

Thomas chuckled and held up his hand, “it's alright Ensign, I understand i’m not active and i’m not trying to overstep my bounds.”

“Oh, no sir that’s no it,” the young woman stated quickly, “I actually recommended the Captain bring you in to do this.”

Thomas’ brow raised, “to do what Ensign?”

Stephanie smiled and looked as if a weight had been lifted, “take over the department; but, did you just say you weren’t, active?”

Thomas nodded, “yes, I did. I have not spoken with the Captain I came here offering to help with the rest of the science department being used as guards I thought I'd lend a hand.”

Sliding back down into her chair Stephanie sighed, “oh, I had hoped that he would have reinstated you so that you could take over; being, that you seem alright and all. I know I'd probably be a bit frayed with a baby on the way.”

“Excuse me,” Thomas stated looking up from the padd, “how do you know about that?”

Stephanie’s face once again flushed with color, “oh, you see there aren’t that many of us here sir and we tend to keep each other entertained with the scuttle butt around the ship, and…”

“And the fact that Lieutenant Warren and I found out that she is pregnant and I have wings is too juicy of a genetic exercise to pass up is that it,” Thomas asked taking a deep breath, “you wanted to postulate with the rest of the crew what mutation the baby might have.”

Stephanie’s expression changed quickly as her brow portrayed the worry that she was feeling, “no sir, we were merely happy to hear the good news; and, to know that life is going to go on even with all the trouble we are seeming to find.”

Thomas sighed and rubbed his head, “I'm sorry ensign, I didn’t mean to assume, and thank you for being happy for us. If you don’t mind, and if I may have your permission to use the vacant science lab i will begin working on these scans and reading.”

Stephanie nodded watching the man walk out of the room leaving her behind confused and befuddled, “it feels weird having someone who technically out ranks me asking for permission.”


Location: Science Lab

Time Index: Two Hours Later


“Come on you clattering cluster of cognitive circuitry work,” Thomas stated thrusting his hands down on the table top.

[[Please state your request again,]] the computer responded.

“Why should I? We have been over this for the last few hours reading, rereading, analyzing and deconstructing; but, still nothing seems to stick out or explain what is happening,” Thomas shouted.

[[Please restate your request]]

“Fine; but, this time lets tweak it a bit shall we. Computer compile all the data gathered from the scans and recordings of the incidents aboard ship where radiation was found and later caused an explosion or dissipated and run a comparison of the incidents making note of the similarities,” he stated leaning back in his chair.


“With the similarities that are found is there anything in that matches or could explain the cause in our database,” he quizzed again for what would almost feel to be the one hundredth time.


“Very well, theorize on cause of radiation,” Thomas stated looking at the readings.

[[Radiation cause unknown, insufficient data to support any hypothesis]]

“You’re insufferable,” Thomas shouted tossing a padd down.

“You know that if you want her to play nice you have to do the secret things that you do to her while no one is looking,” Cade’s voice rang out with joy.

Jerking his head towards the door Thomas sat up, “how long have you been there?”

“Long enough to know that I have an ethical duty to tell Sylvia you already are well verse at losing spousal or parental fights,” Cade stated moving to the table putting down a kit.

“Spousal don’t you think if she knew what i was...,” Thomas stated before stopping, “wait, why are you here?”

Cade smiled, “other than getting your secrets plans told to me without having to work for it, to do my job.”

Thomas sighed feeling like he was pulling teeth with the man, “which is?”

“Fixing your face wingman,” Cade stated as he began to repair the skin on Thomas face to change its color back from the deep dark tan to its normal tones, “well, I should say correcting your skin tone, medicine hasn’t quite caught up to correct the issue that is your…”

“Cade…” he stated cutting Cade off and sitting forward

“Lighten up wing boy it will only take a moment. Besides it sounds to me that you and the computer are going in circles anyway so a break is just what you need,” Cade stated pushing the man back into his chair, “and yes that is what I order; because, I'm the doctor you see.”

Thomas rolled his eyes and allowed Cade to work, “if I could just find the missing piece; but, no matter what I do its the same result.”

“You know someone smarter than, well you, and of course not I because i’ve only been here for a few moments and have already thought of this, once said, “insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results,” Cade stated letting Thomas sit up as he put away his tools, “meaning…”

“I know what it means Cade,” Thomas sighed standing stretching his legs.

Cade smiled, “Oh good, I wasn’t quite sure as you had that expression on your face.”

Thomas raised his eyebrow, “what expression.”

“Well its the one you always have,” Cade stated before stopping, “sorry, keep forgetting you just naturally look that way.”

“Cade you’re an...wait a minute,” Thomas stated shuffling through the padds.

“Well, I've been called many things, not sure how to take being called a wait a minute,” Cade stated looking around, “minute man has been said; but a wait a minute.”

“Shut up Foster,” Thomas shouted, “I've been trying to compare this to what we already know. Computer using same data compiled verify are there any differences in any of the incidents.”


“Display them on the screen side by side,” he stated turning to a display nearby.

“What ya lookin at there wingman,” Cade posed moving beside Thomas.

Clapping his hands together Thomas nodded, “how did I not see this?”

“See what my fine feather friend,” Cade stated watching as Thomas looked to him in annoyance.


Location: Primary Science Center

Stephanie sat in the chair behind the chief science officers desk with her back to the door. It wasn’t that she was hiding or that she had wanted to not see if anyone come in, she just happened to have nodded off at the moment that she had completed half of a turn. It wasn’t until the door chime rang that she jerked back to consciousness and wiped the pool of spittle that had formed on the corner of her mouth away. Shaking her head trying to look as if she did not just wake up she sighed, “forget it, come.”

As the doors swung open Thomas came rushing in followed closely by Cade, who had refused to leave his side due to medical reasons that he would not explain all the while continuing with a barrage of puns and quips, “Ensign, I did it.”

“Did, did what Command...Uh, Mr. Varn,” Stephanie stated adrenaline rushing through her system now.

“Found something that we can report to the Captain and I would suggest doing it at your soonest convenience,” Thomas stated handing her the pad allowing her a moment to read it and take in the information.

Scanning the information Stephanie looked up, “wait does this mean?”

Thomas nodded, “yes, the incidents have been recorded with increasing speed with possibility of them becoming more and more frequent; but, they are happening and manifesting in two completely different varieties. One much like the aurora borealis on Earth, which was reported in engineering, and the sudden explosions accompanied by an orb recorded in the brig and my quarters.”

“We are certain they are not the same,” she asked looking at the data again.

Thomas nodded, “yes, because the radiation signatures are different. It was almost hard to find; but, Commander Crichton noticed it when he saw a waveform variance of 1%.”

“But what does it all mean,” Stephanie asked looking at the information again.

Thomas sighed, “it would all be speculation; but, I believe the incidents are related some how in a cause and effect relationship.”

“Meaning,” Cade chimed in.

Thomas looked to the man who he had almost forgot was there, “meaning that one may be causing the other, or that one is a direct correlation of the happening only in the fact that since one occurred so must the other.”

Stephanie looked up, “wait, Comman...Mr. Varn, it’s almost sounding like you're suggesting cognitive reasoning behind the incidents.”

Shaking his head Thomas held up a hand, “I'm not saying they are alive or that someone is purposely causing them. I’m merely saying based off these readings we can’t rule anything out just yet.”

Sighing Stephanie sat back in her chair, “I don’t know if I can give this to the Captain.”

Thomas’ head jerked slightly before looking at her, “I'm sorry? You can’t give it to the Captain?”

“There’s no proof of anything here,” Stephanie stated handing the padd back to Thomas, “if you had found irrefutable proof then I would take it immediately.”

“May I remind you Ensign, that your duty is to report anything that may endanger the crew or our passengers safety to the Captain,” Thomas stated his eyes fixed on her.

Stephanie’s expression changed again, she was glad for the offer of help from Thomas; but, she was aware of her job and had been doing her best, “I'm fully aware of that Mr. Varn; but…”

“But nothing you confounded prepubescent librarian of an ensign, there is a possible threat here and if you don't report it,” Cade stated stepping forward.

Thomas held out his hand to Cade stopping the man before looking at Stephanie, “then I will.”

It only took a few moments before Thomas was gone and on his way to find Aerdan to hand over his findings leaving Stephanie and Cade alone in the office. Cade nodded before stretching and looking around, “well my work here is done.”

Stephanie sighed, “I just hope that this scheme of yours doesn’t come back and bite me later Dr. Foster.”

“Pssh,” Cade stated motioning with his hand, “he was taking to long and if I tried a gentle push he’d break my nose again, maybe.”

“Wait, he did what,” Stephanie asked her eyes widening.


Location: Shanty Town -> Corridor


Aerdan was making his way through the walkways mulling over the reports that had been given to him before getting ready to head to the bridge once again to assess the situation with the Captain. The reports were generally the same, reports of unrest, engineering maintaining the ship quite well despite the short hands, scientists having to be instructed on how to act like a marine over and over, and general calm for the most part.

[[Bridge to Commander Jos, there is a Mr. Thomas Varn requesting to speak with you]]

Aerdan looked up as his antenna lifted slightly, “very well, inform him I'm on my way back from Shanty Town and to meet me outside the entrance.”

[[Very well Commander]]

Stepping out into the corridor Aerdan expected to wait a few moments before seeing Thomas; but, the winged man was there waiting instead, “well Mr. Varn what do I owe this unexpected visit?”

Thomas handed the padd over, “Commander, I know that I'm not active or the head of the department; but, I have been lending a hand and found this.”

Aerdan began reading the information, “why didn’t you present this to Ensign…”

“I did and let’s just say that I was placed in charge of bringing it to your attention,” Thomas stated.

Aerdan looked at the man before at the padd again, “correct me if I'm wrong but this is showing increased occurrences and differences between the incidents.”

“In a nutshell yes,” Thomas stated walking with the andorian, “I can explain it to you on the way to the bridge.”


NRPG: The truth is out there!

Justin K. Owens

Lt. Cmdr. Thomas Varn



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