
  • 3 Mission Posts

Lieutenant Izshlana Vort

Name Izshlana Vort

Position Executive Officer

Second Position Executive Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Alterian
Age 54

Physical Appearance

Height 5'4"
Weight 9 stones
Hair Color Varies, but waist length, as it is a dishonour for it to be cut shorter. Although when on duty it is tied to the top of her head in an elaborate knot, she can also change its colour at will.
Eye Color Varies. They are slightly oval in shape, the iris large and black with black lines cutting through the eye. She can change eye colour at will.
Physical Description Izshnala is slender, her body is well defined in terms of muscle. She is excitable so tends to smile a lot, which gives people the appearance of her being a bubbly homicidal maniac. She can change her skin, hair, and eye colour. Her rested state is silvery skin with black hair and silver eyes. Her preferred off-duty state varies depending on her feeling. Her on-duty state is as human as possible with human flesh colouring (although it still has a silvery tint) black hair and brown eyes.


Spouse Xordin
Father Damal Vort (81)
Mother Izla Vort (79)

Personality & Traits

Hobbies & Interests Favorite Drink: The Terran delicacy Cherry coke.

Preferred Food: Chicken Fried Rice

Hobbies & Interests: Martial arts, adventure games in the holodeck.

Goals: She's an adventurous soul and wants to have fun while keeping her colleagues alive.

Personal History The Vort family were once one of the more influential of the families on Altha III. They stood against the Dominion 200 years ago in the battle of Azadal. They helped destroy anything the usurpers could take for their own advantages.

Four years after Izshalan's birth, Damal Vort, his brothers and sisters, and his father and mother declared Valdurat on the Dominion. They called them imposters and declared that the people of Altha III should rise up and take their homeland back. Minor skirmishes where won throughout the planet thanks to the Alterians' psionic capabilities.

Twelve years ago Dalran Vort was killed by a Jem'Hadar while he tried to assassinate the Vorta controller. He bequeathed his psionic bow and wrist device to his eldest grandchild declaring her the hope for his family and their people.

Thirteen years later the Dominion came back, raining fire and destruction down on the mainly-peaceful people of Altha III. A then 17-year-old Izshnala was forbidden to join the fight, and she was smuggled into a hiding place with her mother Izla. The battle raged for many an hour until the sheer size of the Dominion forces destroyed the rebellion. Izshlana and her mother waited a day and a night before they sneaked out from their hiding place.

Eventually mother and daughter found Damal and managed to take him away from the planet where he now had a bounty on his head. They glided through space towards tales of a fortress in space near a wormhole. They found the then GS-1 and asked for sanctuary.

Izshnala spent a year on Gateway station under the protection of Starfleet and the Federation before she put in a request to join Starfleet Academy. She went through vigorous testing before she was accepted, where it was discovered her psionic abilities were limited to the use of the weapons, a protection device, and a kind of sixth sense for danger that was sometimes hit and miss.

Izshnala went through Starfleet happily enough making a few friends, but her aim was always to get out and see the universe.
Service Record *Entered Starfleet Academy: 2418

*Entered ACT Program: SD 2422[2.7]0122.1534

*Graduated ACT Program: SD 2422[2.7]0701.1937

*Assigned to the USS STONEHENGE: SD 2422[2.7]0710.1321

*Assigned to the USS PENDRAGON:
Education Academy Major: Security

Academy Minor: Counseling

Additional Education: Flight control for small craft, hand to hand combat, use in the psionic bow and wrist device.